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Fukushima (Click Here To See More Media On Fukushima)
Nuclear-power experts Arnie and Maggie Gundersen return to Project Censored to publicize the ongoing damage the Fukushima meltdown site is inflicting on Japan and the Pacific. They also rebut the idea that nuclear power is part of the answer to climate change.
Arnie Gundersen appears on Global Research News Hour, Hosted by Michael Welch, to share his understanding of the spread of nuclear contamination at Fukushima,
Arnie talks about his trips to Japan to collect dirt samples following the nuclear reactor explosions at Fukushima and his work with Japanese citizens who learn to collect and analyze samples. Gundersen finds to this day serious contamination up to 300 miles from Fukushima - even in areas that have been declared safe to live.
Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer at Fairewinds Energy Education appeared on Nuclear Hotseat, a podcast hosted by Libby Halevy, to discuss the human toll inflicted by the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi.
Spring: The Season of Nuclear Disaster – Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi was the title of the April 4, 2017 tele-briefing hosted by the Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) and guest speaker Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen
Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen joined Sojourner Truth Radio's host Margaret Prescod on March 14th to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.
Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen recently appeared on two programs, KGO Radio with host Pat Thurston and BBC Newsday, to discuss the latests news out of Fukushima.
Join CCTV host Margaret Harrington, and from Fairewinds Energy Education: President Maggie Gundersen, Program Administrator Caroline Phillips, and Board Director Chiho Kaneko, for Part 2 of their discussion on the health risks to children around the world from operating atomic power reactors and their burgeoning waste.
It will be five years in March since the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi began and the Japanese public and people around the world continue to search for the truth about nuclear risk and honest answers to their energy future. Fukushima@5 exposes the truth of the ongoing atomic devastation caused by the nuclear meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi.
Listen as Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen explains why TEPCO’s workers injected saltwater into Fukushima’s failing reactors, what happens when salt water meets steel, and what forces come into play after saltwater is used to cool down an atomic reactor in this Fairewinds Audio Update.
Three Mile Island (Click Here To See More Media On TMI)
Arnie spent one week at the end of March in the Harrisburg Pennsylvania area for a series of events remembering the 40-years since the meltdown at TMI. Arnie was invited to present the keynote at Penn State’s 40th commemoration of the TMI disaster that was filmed by C-Span on March 27, 2019.
On Saturday March 26th, Arnie traveled to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to give a keynote presentation on the 38th anniversary of the nuclear meltdown at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant. This is the presentation he gav
In April of 2015, Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer, Arnie Gundersen and the Fairewinds crew headed to Quebec City for the World Uranium Symposium. In this presentation, Arnie shares how the nuclear industry refused to learn from their own mistakes and repeated the same failures at Fukushima Daiichi that caused widespread devastation at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.
This week's podcast features the testimonies of people living near the Three Mile Island nuclear plant at the time of the accident in 1979. Unlike most of our podcasts which feature scientists and other nuclear experts, today you will be hearing from ordinary citizens who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
This week's podcast features an interview with Magdalena Vergeiner, daughter of theoretical meteorologist Dr. Ignaz Vergeiner. Magdalena currently works with the Austrian group AFAZ to translate Fairewinds website. Dr. Vergeiner was instrumental in demonstrating the extent of radiation spread from the 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear accident in Pennsylvania.
Similarities among the Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and Fukushima nuclear accidents and how Governments are once again limiting public access to accurate radiation dose information
These talks were recorded live at the Pennsylvania State Capitol on March 26, 2009. Dr. Steven Wing's talk is about the long-term health effects to human, animal, and plant life in the aftermath of the accident at Three Mile Island.
These talks were recorded live at the Pennsylvania State Capitol on March 26, 2009.
Dr. Steven Wing's talk is about the long-term health effects to human, animal, and plant life in the aftermath of the accident at Three Mile Island.
Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen gives a talk on his calculations of the amount of radiation released during the accident at Three Mile Island. Mr. Gundersen's calculations differ from those of the NRC's and official industry estimates. Arnie Gundersen was a senior executive in the nuclear industry with over twenty years experience. Mr. Gundersen holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Interviews (Click Here To See More Interviews)
Fairewinds’ President Maggie Gundersen and award winning Vermont author Chris Bohjalian, discuss what life would be like if a nuclear meltdown occurred at a nuclear power plant in Vermont.
What would you rather do, spend billions of dollars to build a new nuclear power plant and deal with its radioactive waste for thousands of years or install double pane or triple pane windows and extra insulation in order to save money and power during your lifetime?
Following the 1974 oil shock, France embraced nuclear power by building 58 nuclear reactors in an effort to be energy self-sufficient. Where do the French see themselves as energy consumers and producers today and what is the future trend for the French after a 40 year investment in production of nuclear power?
When the sun ejects hot charged particles into space, the Northern Lights are created here on Earth. Occasionally the sun erupts with huge quantities of particles (Coronal Mass Ejection) that can damage the earth’s electric systems.
This week Fairewinds had the opportunity to speak with Matt Noyes, a professor at Meiji University in Tokyo and a longtime Tokyo resident. Matt talked with us about his experiences during the Fukushima Daiichi meltdown, including the "news gap" that existed between Japanese and international press coverage of the accident, and the shifting nuclear movement in Japan.
Nuclear Free Future host Margaret Harrington speaks with Fairewinds Founding Director Maggie Gundersen, Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen, Media Producer Nathaniel White-Joyal, and Administrator Samantha Donalds about the decommissioning of Vermont Yankee.
Today we feature an interview with Amory Lovins, preeminent environmental thinker and co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute. With forty years of energy policy experience, Amory Lovins has dedicated himself to the idea that our energy future does not have to look like our energy past.
Fairewinds' Arnie Gundersen and Boston Chemical Data Corporation’s Founder Marco Kaltofen have an in-depth conversation regarding the challenges of measuring radiation exposures to people around the globe. Kaltofen explains the methodology involved in measuring radioactive releases from Fukushima Daiichi.
Podcasts (Click Here To See More Podcasts)
Arnie Gundersen appears on Global Research News Hour, Hosted by Michael Welch, to share his understanding of the spread of nuclear contamination at Fukushima,
Arnie and Maggie Gundersen appeared on TMI (Too Much Information) Podcast hosted by Dave Archer to discuss nuclear energy, the NRC, becoming whistleblowers, Fukushima, and all things in between.
Nuclear-power critics Arnie and Maggie Gundersen return to Project Censored to explain some of the continuing hazards facing Fukushima, Japan, years after the meltdown there.
Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer at Fairewinds Energy Education appeared on Nuclear Hotseat, a podcast hosted by Libby Halevy, to discuss the human toll inflicted by the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi.
Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen joined Sojourner Truth Radio's host Margaret Prescod on March 14th to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.
Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen recently appeared on two programs, KGO Radio with host Pat Thurston and BBC Newsday, to discuss the latests news out of Fukushima.
Arnie recently appeared on the EcoShock radio show to discuss extreme nuclear dangers with host Alex Smith. Listen as Arnie covers topics including Trump and his call to develop more nuclear weapons, the relationship between the nuclear power industry and nuclear weapons development, and the risks of keeping old reactors operating past their prime.
It will be five years in March since the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi began and the Japanese public and people around the world continue to search for the truth about nuclear risk and honest answers to their energy future. Fukushima@5 exposes the truth of the ongoing atomic devastation caused by the nuclear meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi.
This week's podcast features an interview with Magdalena Vergeiner, daughter of theoretical meteorologist Dr. Ignaz Vergeiner. Magdalena currently works with the Austrian group AFAZ to translate Fairewinds website. Dr. Vergeiner was instrumental in demonstrating the extent of radiation spread from the 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear accident in Pennsylvania.
This week's podcast focuses on Arnie's testimony about Canada's Pickering Nuclear Plant on Lake Ontario, whose slogan is "40 years of being a good neighbor." As Arnie explains in this podcast, it is not a matter of whether the people operating nuclear plants are good or bad. It is about a dangerous energy source that no amount of good intentions can make completely safe. It is about the forty good years that can end with one bad day.
This week Fairewinds Energy Education interviewed Marco Kaltofen, a leading scientist who studies radiation as well as specific radioactive isotopes. Marco and Arnie discuss a recent sample that contained highly concentrated radioactive material from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. As the sound quality of this recording varies, we have transcribed the podcast so you can read along.
On today's podcast, Maggie and Nat interview our very inspiring friend Yumi Kikuchi. Fairewinds has been working with Yumi for more than a year now.
After two weeks of traveling, Arnie is back in town to recount his adventures on this week's podcast.
On today's podcast, host Nathaniel White-Joyal and Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen talk with renowned diplomat Akio Matsumura and Fairewinds board member Chiho Kaneko about nuclear power and the effects of the Fukushima disaster on the Japanese people today.
NRC released MHI documents show that Edison concealed San Onofre’s flawed steam generator design in order to avoid a public process.
Arnie Gundersen joins Helen Caldicott on If You Love This Planet to discuss the ongoing release of radiation at Fukushima Daichi and what methods are being used to contain the damage. The water being used to cool the reactor is highly radioactive and is still being released into the Pacific. They deal with the dilemma of workers endangerment and ongoing radiation leakage. Information about health effects on children in the first 18 months since the accident is discussed
Fairewinds’ Presentations (Click Here To See More Presentations)
Arnie spent one week at the end of March in the Harrisburg Pennsylvania area for a series of events remembering the 40-years since the meltdown at TMI. Arnie was invited to present the keynote at Penn State’s 40th commemoration of the TMI disaster that was filmed by C-Span on March 27, 2019.
On Saturday March 26th, Arnie traveled to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to give a keynote presentation on the 38th anniversary of the nuclear meltdown at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant. This is the presentation he gav
CO2 Smoke Screen: New Nukes Make Global Warming Worse uncovers the ludicrously small impact that nuclear power has on saving the Earth from CO2 emissions in contrast to the promises of the atomic power industry.
How does the Fukushima Daiichi meltdown disaster show the enormous risk potential for the continued operation of the Diablo Canyon atomic reactor? Filmed by Ecological Options Network (EON) at Point Reyes Station in California, Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen presents A World in Danger.
In Part One: Economics Of Nuclear Power, Arnie Gundersen presents an economic analysis of the cost of nuclear power at the 2015 World Uranium Symposium in Quebec City.
In April of 2015, Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer, Arnie Gundersen and the Fairewinds crew headed to Quebec City for the World Uranium Symposium. In this presentation, Arnie shares how the nuclear industry refused to learn from their own mistakes and repeated the same failures at Fukushima Daiichi that caused widespread devastation at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.
Attended by more than 300 delegates from 20 countries that produce uranium for nuclear power and weapons, the symposium brought together experts who are calling on governments throughout the world to end all uranium mining. In this speech about the Fukushima Daiichi Disaster, Arnie introduces new scientific evidence to prove high radiation exposures in Japan.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is granting an unreviewed and unregulated subsidy to the nuclear industry. Hosted by Chris Williams of Citizens Action Network, Fairewinds Energy Education’s Arnie Gundersen details how Decommissioning Stakeholders’ Fund-amental Rights are being trampled.
Is nuclear power a sustainable or safe solution to ongoing energy demands around the world? Fairewinds’ Arnie Gundersen was invited to speak in August at The WAVE conference sponsored by Life Chiropractic College West.
This video is a presentation Arnie and Maggie Gundersen gave at Clarkson University to a Business Ethics course on October 22, 2013. The Gundersens discuss their experience as whistleblowers in the nuclear industry and the importance of the internet in reporting malfeasance.
This week Fairewinds' compares the paradigm of 20th century large nuclear power plants to the new 21st century paradigm utilizing smaller interconnected renewable sources of power in what is called distributed generation. View "A Road Less Taken: Energy Choices for the Future", Arnie's presentation at Vermont's Johnson State College.
This week Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen participated in two panel discussions in Boston and New York City entitled "The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Ongoing Lessons" Other panelists included Ralph Nader, Peter Bradford, Naoto Kan, Gregory Jaczko and Jean-Michel Cousteau.
In this video, Arnie Gundersen talks with international diplomat Akio Matsumura, the former special advisor to the United Nations Development program about the continuing crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi site, and come to the conclusion that Tokyo Electric must be removed from the clean-up process.
Watch Arnie Gundersen's presentation entitled "Fukushima Daiichi Accident: Lessons for California" on June 4, 2013. The other keynote speakers of the event are; Naoto Kan, former Prime Minister of Japan, Dr. Gregory Jaczko, former Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and Peter Bradford, former commissioner of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission during the Three Mile Island nuclear accident in 1979
Fairewinds Speech at the New York Academy of Medicine - Fukushima Two Years On - Gundersen Presents New Information concerning the Fukushima Accident.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) held a special ACRS meeting Thursday May 26, 2011 on the current status of Fukushima. Arnie Gundersen was invited to speak for 5 minutes concerning the lessons learned from the Fukushima accident as it pertains to the 23 Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors (BWR's) in the US and containment integrity.