At times it seems like there is no end in sight for the Fukushima Disaster that began on March 11th, 2011 when the Fukushima Daiichi Atomic Power Reactors suffered a triple-meltdown. As a result of the Great Tohoku Earthquake and the following tsunami destroyed the power plants’ backup generators and their cooling systems, without which cooling of the nuclear cores was impossible and they quickly overheated and melted down. The subsequent radiation spread throughout Japan as well as the world. Now 6 years and millions of dollars later, Tokyo Electric Company (TEPCO) the plants' owner has made excruciatingly little progress as areas previously cleaned are re-contaminated and radiation from the nuclear cores continues to leak into the sea. Explore the links below to get the latest news on the Fukushima Daiichi site, read Fairewinds suggestions for where we can go from here, see Arnie's photo journal from his trip to Japan, and watch our videos concerning the debacle and our discussion about the implications these meltdowns will have for years to come.