Ukraine: Vulnerable Atomic Reactors Don’t Belong In a War Zone!

Ukraine: Vulnerable Atomic Reactors Don’t Belong In a War Zone!

Join us tomorrow night Thursday, March 10th for a timely discussion about Ukraine and the commemoration of Fukushima Dai-ichi. We will examine the dangers of atomic power reactors in a war zone and also talk about how we work with our colleague Dr. Marco Kaltofen to study how minute microparticles of radioactivity spreads…

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Our Oceans Are Not Sewers

Our Oceans Are Not Sewers

Whether it's plastic, mercury, or radioactivity, the entire world has treated our planet’s oceans as its sewage dump. As if we need more proof that Radioactivity Knows No Borders, three recent events prove the reality of our statements…

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Special Event: Uranium & The Waste It Leaves Behind!

Special Event: Uranium & The Waste It Leaves Behind!

We share with you a symposium that will tell the womb to tomb story of Uranium. The presenters will discuss the roles and responsibilities of both Art And Science to analyze and reflect upon human use of the atom to generate electricity and create weapons…

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Must-See Woolsey Fire & SSFL Documentary: ‘In the Dark of the Valley’

Must-See Woolsey Fire & SSFL Documentary: ‘In the Dark of the Valley’

On Nov. 14th, in a brilliantly produced and acclaimed documentary entitled In the Dark of the Valley, MSNBC will widely share the stories of local community members, activists, and parents closest to the Santa Susana Field lab site…

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Santa Susana Field Lab Meltdown & Woolsey Fire: Take These Beautiful Words...

Santa Susana Field Lab Meltdown & Woolsey Fire: Take These Beautiful Words...

In Take these Beautiful Words, Carmi Orenstein clearly unveils the history and ongoing Federal and State Government coverups of SSFL radiation leaks that have persisted for more than 60 years. We are grateful for her assertions…

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Woolsey Fire Project: Citizen Science & the Way Forward

Woolsey Fire Project: Citizen Science & the Way Forward

Our latest Nuclear Hotseat interview is a nuanced discussion detailing how Fairewinds and Dr. Kaltofen developed protocols used by the community-volunteer citizen-scientists who performed the data collection for the Woolsey Fire project…

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Woolsey Fire Data—Our Environmental Justice Research

Woolsey Fire Data—Our Environmental Justice Research

We know how to help. We know how to set up a similar program to bring environmental oversight and analyses to needy communities. Now, as we approach the end of 2021, we reach out to each of you for support for Fairewinds Environmental Science Research…

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Woolsey Fire Data—Journal of Environmental Radioactivity

Woolsey Fire Data—Journal of Environmental Radioactivity

It’s published! One of our findings is that the Woolsey Fire caused radiation from the Santa Susana Field Lab (SSFL) to become airborne and travel as far as 9 miles into surrounding communities. So, then, what makes our study unique? We are proud to announce the publication…

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Nuclear Alert: Post-Hurricane Ida Status at Entergy’s Waterford Nuke

Nuclear Alert: Post-Hurricane Ida Status at Entergy’s Waterford Nuke

When Hurricane Ida approached NOLA on Aug. 29th, Entergy’s Waterford Plant deliberately reduced its power level to zero.. However, even when a nuclear reactor produces zero power, it still relies upon electricity from the power grid…

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Nuclear Alert: Japanese Victims of Radioactive Black Rain Finally Vindicated

Nuclear Alert: Japanese Victims of Radioactive Black Rain Finally Vindicated

A Japanese court has finally vindicated dozens of Japanese citizens suffering from radiation-related illnesses, who the Japanese government alleged lived too far from Nagasaki and Hiroshima to have been considered Hibakusha [victims of the two atomic bombs]…

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Climate Crisis + Regulatory Collusion = Nuclear Disasters

Climate Crisis + Regulatory Collusion = Nuclear Disasters

The French and Chinese nuclear reactor Taishan Unit 1 is leaking radioactivity! Taishan Units 1 and 2 are also the first of their kind in China. Designed by Framatome Corporation in France, and now according to CNN, the reactors have created “an imminent radiological threat”…

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Atomic Lies & Nuclear Falsehoods

Atomic Lies & Nuclear Falsehoods

“We must not stop dismantling the atomic lies…” Watch as speakers from around the world present at the 2021 Nuclear Energy Conference entitled How to Dismantle an Atomic Lie – taking apart the nuclear falsehoods…

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Sustainability & Renewable Energy are the Future

Sustainability & Renewable Energy are the Future

Dandelions! Yes, dandelions appear to be yet another step on our path to meaningful sustainability and renewable energy. Human ingenuity allows us entirely different mindsets compared to the current energy paradigm…

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Living with Chernobyl

Living with Chernobyl

Just last week a new Chernobyl catastrophe reared its ugly head. As the neutron population in the melted atomic core increases, it indicates that a self-sustaining chain reaction may develop and might allow a whole new raft of radiation to foul the air…

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Nuke Goop—Carbon-14

Nuke Goop—Carbon-14

In our twelfth installment of our Nuclear Spring Series, we respond to several technical inquiries about the production of Carbon-14 as it pertains to atomic reactor operations, nuclear power plant meltdowns, and the impact of Carbon-14 on our worldwide climate emergency…

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Learning to Live with the Climate Emergency

Learning to Live with the Climate Emergency

For our 11th Nuclear Spring Series installment, we discuss the new data that shows that the past ten years have been warmer than any decade in history. The weather changes we see today show it is likely that old nukes will experience natural phenomena that they were never designed to resist…

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Chernobyl—35 Years Later

Chernobyl—35 Years Later

Today is the 10th installment of our Nuclear Spring Series, and thirty-five years ago, the Chernobyl disaster began on April 26, 1986. We hope you will join us this week in reflecting and revisiting the Chernobyl meltdown and remember the heroes who died so bravely fighting such a fierce fire…

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Gender, Radiation, and Earth Day

Gender, Radiation, and Earth Day

In our ninth installment in our Nuclear Spring Series, I wanted to reflect on when Earth Day first became a thing in 1970 and share the latest Humanity Rising film about radiation exposure, especially because two well-known radiation biologists are part of the conversation…

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