Scientist Marco Kaltofen Presents Data Confirming Hot Particles

Scientist Marco Kaltofen Presents Data Confirming Hot Particles

Washington, DC - October 31, 2011 – Today Scientist Marco Kaltofen of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) presented his analysis of radioactive isotopic releases from the Fukushima accidents at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA). Mr. Kaltofen’s analysis confirms the detection of hot particles in the US and the extensive airborne and ground contamination in northern Japan due to the four nuclear power plant accidents at TEPCO’s Fukushima reactors. Fairewinds believes that this is a personal health issue in Japan and a public health issue in the United States and Canada.

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Post Fukushima: All the King's Horses and All the King's Men...

Post Fukushima: All the King's Horses and All the King's Men...

Fairewinds' Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen testifies to the NRC Petition Review Board detailing why the 23 BWR Mark 1 nuclear power plants should be shut down following the accidents at Fukushima. True wisdom means knowing when to modify something and knowing when to stop. Sometimes, all the King’s horses and all the King’s men should not try to put Humpty Dumpty together again.

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New TEPCO Photographs Substantiate Significant Damage to Fukushima Unit 3

New TEPCO Photographs Substantiate Significant Damage to Fukushima Unit 3

Analysis of new Fukushima 3 photographs released last week by TEPCO substantiate Fairewinds’ claim that explosion of Unit 3 began over the spent fuel pool. Fairewinds believes that significant damage has also occurred to the containment system of Fukushima Unit 3, and that the two events (fuel pool explosion and containment breach) did not occur simultaneously. Video also includes brief discussion of tent system being constructed over Fukushima Unit 1.

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Are Regulators And The Nuclear Industry Applying The Valuable Lessons Learned From Fukushima?


About This Video

Fairewinds Presentation to the San Clemente City Council

Fairewinds chief engineer Arnie Gundersen discusses three nuclear safety problems uncovered during the Fukushima accident that nuclear regulators and the nuclear industry wish they could ignore. Why isn't the industry designing nuclear plants to withstand the worst natural events? Why aren't nuclear regulators, governments, and citizens who live and work near a nuclear plant prepared for a nuclear accident? How much does the NRC value human life? Finally, Fairewinds' Gundersen concludes that the NRC is not implementing adequate safety changes because the NRC believes that a serious accident is impossible.

Video Transcript

Arnie Gundersen: Hi, I'm Arnie Gundersen from Fairewinds and I would like to thank the San Clemente City Council for having me make this presentation to you.  I have to apologize, my voice is a little squeeky today.  With the change of seasons here in Vermont, I appear to have picked up a virus.  But I will be O.K.

I would like to talk to you today about the lessons that Fukushima should have taught us but did not.  The first one of those is something called the design bases.  Now what that means is:  what do we expect Mother Nature can throw at us?  For instance, a plant built in California is built for a stronger earthquake than a plant built in Vermont.  A plant built in Florida is built for a stronger hurricane than a plant in upstate New York.  So that is called a design basis:  what do we think Mother Nature can throw at us?  Now in law, that comes from 10 CFR: 10 Code of Federal Regulations part 50 appendix A which is something called a general design criteria.  And general design criteria number 2 talks about design bases.

But it is interesting, it is deliberately vague.  There is no mathematical number to support the fact that an earthquake must be this strong or a hurricane wind must be this strong.  It is not in law.  The Nuclear Regulatory Commission takes that general design criteria and basically says we believe it is a good thing to build a plant for the worst thing that Mother Nature can throw at us in about a thousand years.  They go back over the historical record and they are supposed to find the worst thing that Mother Nature can do over the last thousand years of the geologic record.  Now, I do not think that has happened.  The first lesson of Fukushima, that we are not really learning, is we need to look at again, what we think is the worst thing Mother Nature can throw at us.

For example, The tsunami at Fukushima was well outside the design basis.  And so was the earthquake at Fukushima and some equipment at Unit 1 appears to have been damaged from the earthquake before the tsunami.

And two other events in the last 6 months also bump right up against the design bases.  One is the flood out in the Midwest at Fort Calhoun and the other is the earthquake on the east coast at North Anna.  Now all of these were right at or over what we thought the worst Mother Nature could do to us in a thousand years.  Now that four of these:  two earthquakes, Japan and Virginia, a flood and a tsunami, that all of them occurred in 6 months, tells me that we really have not anticipated what Mother Nature can really do.

Now let's do the math here.  The math is that, you know once in a thousand years sounds like a long time.  But really, if a nuclear plant runs for 60 years, put 60 in the numerator and in the denominator put 1,000 and you wind up with a 6% chance that any nuclear plant, over it's lifetime, will see an event as bad or worse than the design bases.  6% for San Onofre, 6% for Diablo Canyon, 6% for plants here in Vermont.  Well on top of that, there are about 60 nuclear sites.  So if you take that 6% and multiply by 60 sites, you get about 360%.

In other words, it is a near certainty that some plant in the United Sates over it's lifetime will experience an event worse than designers anticipated.  Matter of fact, more like 3 or 4 plants in the United States over the their 60 year life, will experience an event worse than the designers anticipated.  Now it is interesting though, that what the designers anticipate and what independent science anticipates are two different things.

It really boils down to cost.  The stronger you make a plant, the more costly it becomes.  So a plant in California costs more than a plant on the East Coast because earthquakes are stronger in California.  But a plant in Florida anticipates that it will get hit by a stronger hurricane than the winds you might anticipate in upstate New York.

Now outside independent experts actually have anticipated that we really have not designed for the worst case.  There were experts in Japan who said that the geologic record indicated 3 tsunamis as bad or worse than the one that hit them over a 2000 year period.  So experts in Japan, outside of the utility that owned the plant, were predicting that a tsunami could hit that was not just a 45 foot tsunami, but could even be higher, based on the record.  Those experts were ignored.  So as much as the design bases probably had been missed at least 4 times by industry experts, I think if you talk to independent experts, they will tell you that it is highly likely that a much worse event than what we have anticipated could occur.

For instance, San Onofre is designed for a one foot tsunami.  Now, on top of that San Anofre has added a margin so they can withstand about a 6' tsunami.  But on the other side of the ocean, they had a 45 foot tsunami.  I think there are experts who would say that a 6' tsunami is probably not adequate for San Anofre.

There are two things we can do to avoid this problem, neither of which is being done.  We can set a higher threshhold.  Rather than once in a thousand years, we can say once in a 10,000 year event.  Or we can listen to independent experts as opposed to industry experts when we are designing the plant.  But whatever we do on design bases, I think it is important to remember that it boils down to money.  The stronger the plant is to withstand what Mother Nature throws at us, the more likely it is to become cost prohibitive.

The second thing that I think we need to learn, and have not, has to do with emergency planning.  And within that, there are two parts.  If there is an accident, who pays?  And if there is an accident, who is in charge?  Tokyo Electric is worth about 100 billion dollars.  The event in Japan is going to cost about 250 billion dollars.  So Tokyo Electric is probably going to be driven into bankruptcy as they pay for this.  They are going to have to sell their assets and the rest is going to have to be borne by the Japanese people.

Now in the United States, it is different.  We have something called Price-Anderson.  And that limits the liability to the company that has the accident to about 10 billion dollars and the remainder, 240 billion dollars would be borne by taxpayers.  It would be the biggest industrial accident that has ever occurred within the United States.

Now, within the United States the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has allowed something to happen which actually minimizes costs.  Makes it impossible to go back at most of the utilities that own power plants.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has allowed them to become limited liability corporations.  Now what that means is, let's take Illinois for example:   Excelon has 17 power plants, most in Illinois.  And each individual power plant is a limited liability corporation.  So if a power plant has an accident, it has no more assets and the other power plants are not the cause of the accident, therefore they do not have to carry the bill.  The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has allowed this to happen by changing the licenses of power plants. They used to be owned by utility companies and there were assets behind them.  Now each nuclear plant is a limited liability corporation.  "Who pays?" is a really good question.

The second question is who is in charge?  In Japan I think you have noticed the confusion about who is in charge.  And I would submit to you that the Japanese are the best prepared in the event of an emergency.  They really took emergency planning seriously for years because they had earthquakes frequently.  And even now clearly, no one really knows who is in charge of cleaning up Northern Japan and who is in charge of cleaning up the site.

It is interesting, I have noticed as I have studied accidents over time that when an accident happens, the plant management recognizes really quickly that things are really bad.  At Three Mile Island the plant manager at 7:30 in the morning wanted to declare an emergency and evacuate.  Now he called the people at the home office about 150 miles away and they talked him down from that.

At Chernobyl, the same thing happened.  The plant management understood that things were really bad.  But yet the bureaucracy did not really recognize it and did not spread the word.  Of course at Fukushima we have exactly the same problem.  Plant management wanted to inject salt water.  They needed to inject salt water.  And yet higher ups in the chain of command in Tokyo told the plant manager not to.  He is a hero, he did what had to be done, despite the fact that the government told him not to.  You get this situation where the people on the ground (at the scene of the accident) know how bad things are, but yet further up the chain of command people do not make the right decisions.

In Japan the Fukushima Prefecture (like a state), had potassium iodine pills available.  What they do is they block the radiation that goes to your thyroid.   They were stocked and they were ready to be used.  But the state was prohibited from using them by the national government in Tokyo.  It was not for 7 days until the national government realized that they should release these potassium iodide pills.

Again the people on the ground (at the scene of the accident)  really recognize the severity of the problem.  But when larger organizations get involved, the time to respond lengthens and puts lives at risk.

Now in the United States the situation is probably even worse.  The Japanese understood how to do emergency planning and they still did not do it right.  Here we probably have 5 different entities that would be perhaps in charge.  First would be the utility.  Second would be the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.  Environmental Protection Agency.  FEMA.  And then also it is possible that the state could also say, "It is our job."  So we have 5 different organizations.  FEMA cannot do it, FEMA is prohibited by law to be involved for more than 30 days, something called the Stafford Act.  12:29  So they are out of the picture.

After Three Mile Island the utility was in charge briefly, and then the Nuclear Regulatory Commission came in and reported directly to the President of the United States.  Now that is not part of any law or any plan.  And I would submit to you that allowing the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to be in charge is not the best thing to do if you are concerned about the health and welfare of the people surrounding San Clemente and the San Anofre plant.

The reason is that right now there is a battle between the EPA and the NRC over the exposure to people after an accident.  The NRC wants 100 times higher exposures to the population after an accident than does the EPA.  To get an idea about what the Nuclear Regulatory Commission really plans to do after a severe accident, it is a good idea to look at a computer code they use called the MACCS2 computer program.  It is used to determine the costs and benefits to society and whether or not a utility has to implement changes to the design in order to minimize the costs to you and I.

It was designed not for a nuclear power plant accident but for a dirty bomb.  And the designer has actually renounced the program for the use the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is using.

What are some of the assumptions they have in the code?  They only look at some forms of cancer, not all, and they also do not look at other health effects caused by radiation, for instance, cesium attacks children's hearts.  And it does not cause cancer but it causes heart attacks and heart ailments.

The code does not evaluate that.  They assume that the radiation that lands on a field will be plowed under.  There is no attempt by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to clean the fields after a nuclear accident.  They hose down the houses and let that water run into the rivers, and interestingly, if it lands on a forest, they do not plan to touch the forest.  The contamination will stay there until it decays in 300 years.  This MACCS2 program takes into account no storage of radioactive material.   There is no attempt to put radioactive material into drums and store it until it decays away.  Basically the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is assuming that it stays on the ground and in the ground, until 300 years are up and the Cesium has disappeared.

The program assumes that all the radiation stays on the ground and does not get resuspended.  A car on a dusty road throwing up dust is not included in the calculation.  Probably the most illogical assumption in the computer program is that they assume the accident lasts for two and a half hours.  Yes, two and a half hours.  Now Fukushima has been releasing radiation for 7 months but the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in their severe accident code assumes the releases occur for 2 1/2 hours.

They also assume that not much fuel is damaged, so the releases are no where near as severe as Fukushima.  They assume that the wind blows in a straight line.  As you look at the maps of contamination that came out of Fukushima, that is clearly not true either.

And last but not least, they give the owner, the plant owner, the option of paying compensation or cleaning up.  Compensation is always cheaper than clean up.  And so when the Nuclear Regulatory Commission runs this program, compensating someone for their loss is always much cheaper than cleaning up and that always turns out to be the direction the decisions are made.

So this MACCS2 program is designed to talk about costs and benefits to society.  Now even with all these assumptions which minimize the benefits to society, the MACCS2 code has actually predicted some changes should be made.  At Indian Point, it was discovered by the State of New York that 14 times the MACCS2 code said, "These changes are cost beneficial."  The state wrote to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission about this and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission responded by saying they are required by law to evaluate, to consider the changes, but even if they are cost beneficial, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is not required to implement the changes.

I teach math at the local college here in Burlington and one of the things I teach is GIGO, garbage in, garbage out.  What that means is that the output of a computer program is only as good as the information going into it.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission puts the lowest value on a human life of any agency in Washington.  It assumes a human life is worth 3 million dollars.  Other agencies are 5 to 9 million dollars.  So with all the assumptions I just talked about plus a low value of a human life, it is very unlikely that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will force a utility to make modifications and it is very unlikely that you would really want them to be the agency in charge in the event of a nuclear accident.

The person who wrote the MACCS2 code is a guy named David Chanin and he has renounced it.  I wanted to share with you his own words about the code and how it is being improperly used:   "Even in 1975 the cost numbers were underestimated to a significant degree.  The underestimation is much more significant today." ... "There are quite a few things that never made sense to me, but Sandia National Labs was directed by the NRC to continue using the prior approach."  And the final quote is:  "It seems to me that the code's Quality Assurance shortcomings and the lack of input justifications are again being ignored."

This MACCS2 computer program is the key decision making tool that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission uses when they make decisions about whether a plant should be licensed for the next 20 years or when they make decisions about when a safety modification is necessary.

As I said before, GIGO, garbage in garbage out,  The code is only as good as the assumptions that go into it.  Minimize a human life or assume the cleanup is minimal, and you will justify very, very few safety modifications, which is what the Nuclear Regulatory Commission does pretty routinely.  Interestingly though, as I said in New York State, a letter to the State of New York from the NRC says that there have been 50 times when the MACCS2 computer code has determined that a safety modification would be beneficial.  And yet the NRC has ignored it even when it's code shows that a safety modification is necessary.

The real problem then lies with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and how it implements safety modifications.  Not only does the Nuclear Regulatory Commission see no accidents, hear no accidents, speak about no accidents, but I think there is a fourth monkey too.  And that is that they believe no accident can occur.  And if that is the case, I submit to you that an accident is likely to happen because our regulator is not enforcing the regulations that are on the books.

I would like to thank the San Clemente City Council for having me tonight.  If you have any further questions or would like to study this even more, there are other videos on the Fairewinds website.

Thank you.


Nuclear Oversight Lacking Worldwide


Fairewinds disagrees with a recent New York Times Opinion that claims that Fukushima was caused because Japanese regulators did not properly oversee Tokyo Electric. Fairewinds shows that in the United States, the same cozy relationship exists between the NRC and the nuclear industry. Proper regulation of nuclear power has been coopted worldwide by industry refusal to implement the cost to assure nuclear safety.

Video Transcript

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Arnie Gundersen: Hi, I'm Arnie Gundersen from Fairewinds.

Today I would like to talk to you about the the relationship between the people who own nuclear reactors and the people who regulate nuclear reactors, not just in the United States, not just in Japan but worldwide. What made me think of this topic was an opinion piece in the New York Times just last week. The opinion piece was written by a University of Southern California professor and he specializes in studying how countries regulate nuclear power. In it he says that the Fukushima accident was, and this is a quote, "the result of failures in the safety culture.... Japan's nuclear regulatory agency, for instance, was never really independent of a nuclear industry. The plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power, had a long history of disregarding safety concerns and a woefully weak safety culture that was allowed to operate with minimal government oversight." He goes on to suggest that the solution for this problem is "what we need now are much closer co-operation between countries and the regulators."

I disagree with what that University of Southern California professor suggests. We do not need closer co-operation between countries. What we need to do is to enforce the safety standards that we already have. Blaming Fukushima on a cozy relationship between Tokyo Electric Power and the Japanese government is wrong. It implies that other countries are doing it better. And that is not true. And that is really what I would like to talk about in this video.

The fuse for Fukushima was lit 45 years ago when Fukushima I was built by an American company and an American architect engineer, using an American design. To claim that the problem with Fukushima is a cozy relationship between the Japanese regulator and the people at Tokyo Electric is really disingenuous and it gives the entire nuclear industry a shield to hide behind.

Until 1974, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was regulated by something called the Atomic Energy Commission. Now the Atomic Energy Commission or the A. E. C. had a charter and it was to promote and to regulate. Now Congress realized that that was not working. What they did was they split the Atomic Energy Commission into the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy. The theory was that the Department of Energy would promote and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission would regulate. But what really happened was that the team stayed the same and all they did was change the name on their jerseys.

In 1974 Congress recognized that things were too cozy. So let's fast forward into the 80's and see if things had changed. On the site is a report from 1987 and it is entitled "NRC Coziness With Industry". That is not my name for it, that is the congressional report's name, "The NRC's Coziness With Industry." And it is written by the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs of the United States Congress. It is long, it is a hundred pages and it is typed so it is scanned in, but I thought I would read 3 of the highlights to you.

The first highlight is that the congressional staff and congresspeople discovered that "The NRC staff interfered with and undermined an investigation of a licensee's wrongdoing at the Fermi plant in Michigan."

The 2nd issue that they discovered is that a Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner, one of the five appointed commissioners, "engaged in behavior that constitutes malfeasance and reflects a continuing closeness with the nuclear industry." This is 1987.

And the last one that I would like to call to your attention is that they found, "Despite the fact of an adequate administrative record demonstrating that a problem was in need of a solution, the commission issued a rule severely restricting the ability of it's own staff to require safety improvements at existing nuclear facilities."

Lets jump forward one more decade here and we will go to the 1990's. In the 1990's, the Inspector General for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was a man named David Williams. He wrote a letter to the Commissioner saying that the problem with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was that they listened to the people who owned the nuclear power plants and not to the people who have legitimate concerns. His exact words were, "The NRC relies on the assurances of licensees."

Now I was part of that report. I brought some safety concerns forward to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and they were ignored. And in the process, discovered a very cozy relationship between the regulator and the people that they were attempting to regulate. It went to congressional hearings with John Glenn and in the congressional hearings the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said this: "It is true. Everything Mr. Gundersen said was absolutely right. He performed quite a service." Nothing changed after that hearing. What he said to Congress had no affect on the way the agency was behaving.

Well, lets fast forward another decade and start at the beginning of the 21st century. There is an excellent journalism piece out and it is in the Austin Chronicle. It is investigative journalism at its very best and it is called, "Will Shill For Nukes." The author of it discovered that an industry group, NEI, the industry trade organization, was writing opinion pieces and they were then giving those opinion pieces to professors around the country and asking those professors of nuclear engineering at universities around the country, they were asking those professors to put those in the local newspapers. Well, quite a few professors obliged. So opinion pieces written by the nuclear industry were given to university professors and put with the university professor's name into editorials in local newspapers touting the benefits of nuclear power.

Now what makes this really interesting is that one of the university professors that is mentioned in the story is a man named Dale Klein. Mr. Klein became the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission one year after that investigative journalism report was issued.

Well, as a final one, let's look at just two years ago. The NRC's Inspector General wrote a report about one of the NRC's commissioners. This gentleman's name is Jeffrey Merrifield. Now Commissioner Merrifield was determined to have been looking for a job in the nuclear industry while he was a commissioner. He was calling the people he regulated and asking them for work. Not only that, he found work. And for his last couple of months on the job, he was making decisions that were favorable to the person who was going to employ him at a million dollars a year once he left the NRC. Well that report is also on our site and that makes for interesting reading.

Today, things really have not changed. Just last month, there was a meeting with the International Atomic Energy Agency. They had it in private. And in that meeting were industry executives and heads of government.

That a serious accident happened in Japan is not a statement about the Japanese culture. Rather it speaks to the pressure that the nuclear industry exerts on nations worldwide. It can happen in your country.

Thank you.

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1974年にアメリカ議会は慣れ合いが過ぎると認識していました。さて80年代に飛んでみましょう。状況は変わったのでしょうか。 ここに1987年に発行された報告書があります。そのタイトルは『業界とNRCの慣れ合い』で、米議会の内務島民事務局の委員会が作成したものです。とても長い100ページある報告書で、スキャンイメージされたものですが、みなさんには3点ピックアップして読んでみたいと思います。


第2に、5人のNRC委員の1人が「不正に抵触する行動をとっており、原子力業界と引き続き緊密な関係を 保っていることを表わしている」ということが調査で発覚しました。

最後に、みなさんにもよく聞いてほしい部分なのですが、調査で「解決すべき問題があることを十分示す記録が豊富に挙がっているにも関わらず、NRCは既存の原発において自らが安全性の向上を促す義務を制限するようなルールを課している」 と書かれています。



では更に10年進んで、21世紀初めへ進みましょう。オースチン・クロニクル誌に掲載された素晴らしい報道記事がありました。記事は調査報道として秀逸で、『原子力のためのやらせ(Will Shill For Nukes)』というタイトルです。この記者は原子力業界の交易組織であるNEIが論説を書き、それらを国内の原子力工学専門の大学教授へ送り、地域の新聞へ寄稿するよう依頼していることを突き止めたのです。結構な数の教授が便宜を図りました。原子力業界によって書かれた論説が大学教授に渡され、大学教授の名前で地域の新聞の社説に掲載され、原子力の有益性を売り込んだのです。







Newly Released TEPCO Data Proves Fairewinds Assertions of Significant Fuel Pool Failures at Fukushima Daiichi

About This Video

New TEPCO data measured on August 19 & 20 shows severe damage to the spent fuel in Fukushima Daiichi Units 1, 2, and 3. The adjacent TEPCO table posted on the front page shows incredibly high levels of Cesium 137 and Cesium 134 in all three spent fuel pools of Units 1, 2, & 3. This TEPCO data clearly contradicts and refutes the July assertion by the NRC the Fukushima Daiichi spent fuel pools were not damaged in this tragic accident. Crytome (cry to me) has a new high resolution photo, also uploaded, that shows the extensive damage of the Unit 3 spent fuel pool and the reactor building. Check it out.

Video Transcript

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Arnie Gundersen: Hi, I'm Arnie Gundersen from Fairewinds.

Today, I wanted to spend a brief amount of time updating you about the condition of the fuel pools at Fukushima. You recall that in our last video, I discussed the fact that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was told by the NRC staff that there was no damage to the spent fuel pools at Fukushima. Well, I disagreed then, and I disagree now. Just 2 days ago, TEPCO released a report that has a water analysis of the condition of the spent fuel pools at Fukushima. This data was taken in August, August 19th and 20th, so it is very current and I wanted to share it with you today. The table is a water analysis and it says “analysis of spent fuel pool water.” Let's go to Unit 2 and then cross over to Cesium 137. If you look at that column, it says 1.1 E8. Now what does that mean? That is 1.1 with 8 zeros behind it, or 110 million disintegrations per second in every liter of water. If you look at the next column over, that is Cesium 134. It is also 1.1 E8. So the combination of both Cesiums in the fuel pool on Unit 2, is 220 million disintegrations per second in a liter of water.

So think of a liter Coke bottle and inside it the water is disintegrating at 220 million disintegrations every second, and that is just for Unit 2. The table also shows similar very high concentrations of Cesium in Unit 1 and in Unit 3. It clearly shows that there is damage to the fuel in those 3 units. The interesting thing about the table is that it shows much lower concentrations of Cesium in Unit 4. Now, it still could be that there is damage, but less damage in Unit 4. Or it could mean that contamination from the other 3 units fell into the water in Unit 4 and contaminated that water. So Unit 4 is a bit of a mystery, but Units 1, 2, & 3 clearly have significant spent fuel damage.

Next thing I would like to talk to you about briefly is that when we posted our video last week, several people wrote in saying, “Where did you get the information about spent fuel being thrown a mile away?” The information comes from the New York Times in an April 5th story. The April 5th story is based on a Nuclear Regulatory Commission report that was confidential, but old time visitors to the Fairewinds site will remember that we posted it in early April as well. The report clearly indicates that material was thrown over a mile away. Here is what the Times had to say. The NRC "document also suggests that fragments or particles of nuclear fuel from the spent fuel pools were blown up to a mile away from the units .... and that pieces of highly radioactive material fell between the units and had to be bulldozed over, presumably to protect the workers on site.”

So in April, actually late March, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission report says the fuel pools were so damaged that they threw material a mile away. Yet in July, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was told by the staff that that never happened and in fact, the fuel pools are in great condition. Again I disagree. I think the fuel pools are not in great condition.

Now to add to that, there is a new picture up on the web by Crytome, and it was just taken 2 days ago. It shows Unit 3. It is incredibly high resolution. It shows damage, extensive damage, fuel pool is on the right. Now I invite our readers to go over it in detail and take a look and see what you can see. To me, it shows serious fuel pool damage and I cannot understand how the NRC would think otherwise.

Finally, I need to correct something I said in the last video. In the last video, I talked about how salt water was introduced at Fukushima, came in contact with neutrons, and created sulfur. That part is right. In the last video though, I said that the sodium in the salt water is what came in contact with the neutrons and created sulfur. What really happened was it is the chlorine. Salt water is sodium chloride and I misspoke and I said the sodium, not the chlorine came in contact with the neutrons. I would like to thank the watchers of this column who identified that. I do not use a teleprompter and sometimes my mouth goes a bit faster than my brain.

Well, that is about it for today. We will keep in touch after the hurricane.


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8月19日と20日の2日にかけて取られた東電のデータによると、福島第一原発1号機、2号機3号機の使用済み核燃料プールに激しい損傷があることが分かった。 データに付随する表によると、1,2,3号機の使用済み核燃料プールにかなり高いレベルのセシウム137と134が検出された。 このデータは7月に使用済み核燃料プールへの損傷を否定したNRCの公表と明らかに矛盾する。 Crytomeが新たな高画質の写真を公開しました。その写真から3号機の使用済み核燃料プールと建屋の損傷がさらによく見えます。検証してみましょう。





この東電のデータは原子力規制委員会(NRC)が7月に福島第一原発の使用済み燃料プールは、この悲惨な事故下においても損傷していないとの主張を明らかに否定、矛盾するものとなっています。Crytome (Cry to me)は新たな高画質写真をアップロードしており、その中には3号機の使用済み燃料プールと原子炉の大規模な損傷を写したものが含まれています。是非ご覧になってみてください。








最後になりますが、前回のビデオで発言した事について修正させてください。私は塩水がどのようにして福島原発に使われたのかについて、中性子と触れて硫黄を生成したと話ました。その部分はあってます。しかし前回のビデオでは塩水中のナトリウムが中性子と触れ硫黄を生成したと述べました。実際には塩素です。塩水は塩化ナトリウムですが、これを誤ってナトリウムと言い間違いました。塩素が中性子と反応したのです。このご指摘をしてくださった視聴者の方々に感謝をいたします。 私はテレビ用プロンプター装置を使わないので、私の口は時々私の脳より少し速く動いてしまうのです。



New Data Supports Previous Fairewinds Analysis, as Contamination Spreads in Japan and Worldwide


About This Video

Correction: Salt is of Sodium Chloride, and this is a fact that Arnie learned in basic high school chemistry. In this video, Arnie discusses salt water (comprised of sodium chloride) being exposed to neutrons at Fukushima and thus creating Sulfur 35. In the video Arnie said that Sodium absorbed the neutron to become Sulfur, he should have said that the Chlorine absorbed the neutron to become Sulfur. Maggie wishes he would use a teleprompter… oh well - anyone want to donate one? Anyway, chemically speaking, the exact reaction is Cl35 (n,p) S35. Thanks to our viewers who shot us emails about this error!

Newly released neutron data from three University of California San Diego scientists confirms Fairewinds' April analysis that the nuclear core at Fukushima Daiichi turned on and off after TEPCO claimed its reactors had been shutdown. This periodic nuclear chain reaction (inadvertent criticality) continued to contaminate the surrounding environment and upper atmosphere with large doses of radioactivity. In a second area of concern, Fairewinds disagrees the NRC's latest report claiming that all Fukushima spent fuel pools had no problems following the earthquake. In a new revelation, the NRC claims that the plutonium found more than 1 mile offsite actually came from inside the nuclear reactors. If such a statement were true, it indicates that the nuclear power plant containments failed and were breached with debris landing far from the power plants themselves. Such a failure of the containment system certainly necessitates a complete review of all US reactor containment design and industry assurances that containments will hold in radioactivity in the event of a nuclear accident. The evidence Fairewinds reviewed to date continues to support its April analysis that the detonation in the Unit 3 Spent Fuel pool was the cause of plutonium found off site. Third, the burning of radioactive materials (building materials, trees, lawn grass, rice straw) by the Japanese government will cause radioactive Cesium to spread even further into areas within Japan that have been previously clean, and across the Pacific Ocean to North America. And finally, the Japanese government has yet to grasp the severity of the contamination within Japan, and therefore has not developed a coherent plan mitigate the accident and remediate the environment. Without a cohesive plan to deal with this ongoing problem of large scale radioactive contamination, the radioactivity will continue to spread throughout Japan and around the globe further exacerbating the problem and raising costs astronomically.

Video Transcript

[tabgroup][tab title="English"]

Arnie Gundersen: Hi, I'm Arnie Gundersen from Fairewinds.

There are a couple of things today that I would like to share with you since we last posted. The first is a comment that was out on Russia Today and several other internet blogs, discussing the possibility of cracks and smoke and steam coming out of the ground at Fukushima. What they are claiming to have had occurred is that the nuclear core has melted through the containment and is now in the groundwater. I was asked by Russia Today to comment on that and I declined. I just do not think there is enough good solid engineering data to either support or refute it. It may be happening, but I did not think there was enough engineering data yet to make any conclusive remarks about it.

But it is interesting, the sensational issue of steam coming out of the ground has actually clouded much more important issues which can be substantiated.

The first of those was another report that came out last week from California. A group of scientists detected radioactive Sulfur 35 in the atmosphere. It occurred back in March, about two weeks after the Fukushima accident began. The press focussed on the fact that radioactive sulfur was detected in California, but the report held something that was much more important than that, that did not make the news. And that is, how did that sulfur get created? Let's go back across the Pacific to Fukushima. When salt water is hit by neutrons, it creates sulfur. On the nucleus of a sodium atom in salt water hits a neutron, and it becomes a different atom called sulfur. That is the mechanics of it. But what the report showed is that 400 billion neutrons in a square meter were required in order to make the amount of sulfur that was detected in California. That is an enormous number of neutrons. No one asked, where did they come from?

I think the report from last week substantiates what I told you back on April 3rd. Way back then, there was enough evidence to indicate that the reactors had not really completely shut down at Fukushima.

Remember, when the tsunami hit, the reactors had been shut down for about an hour. The control rods had fallen into them and shut down all of the chain reactions. But it seemed as if there were recurring chain reactions after that. I think this new data from California substantiates what I had been telling you back in April: There were ongoing criticalities after the unit shut down.

The next thing that is important also occurred about two weeks ago. There was a meeting at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, where the NRC staff briefed the commissioners about what had gone on at Fukushima. We have posted the link to that on the side of the video here. What the NRC staff told them in about the first 60 pages of transcript, is that the nuclear fuel pools at Fukushima had not experienced much of a problem. Someone called in, there was a call-in line, and asked a very important question and I would like to read that to you now. The person was Mr. Ray Shadis from the New England Coalition. And he said this: “I was surprised to hear you say that the fuel in the spent fuel pool was not damaged. Press reports indicate that fuel particles up to a centimeter or more in size, have been found a mile or more from the spent fuel pools. And that is my question. Can you address the disparity?” So what Mr. Shadis was suggesting is, if the fuel pools were in good shape and plutonium is discovered a mile or two away, how could that happen?

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's response was troubling, to say the least. They said, Mr. Grove, again, on p. 61 of the transcript says, “Most of the deposition that has reported to date, appears to have come from inside the reactors.” And then two pages later on p. 63, a Mr. Hallahan says, “ascribing these dispersed radioactive materials in various forms on site, you know, it is most likely they were from the reactor cores rather from the spent fuel pool.” To my mind, that is more troubling than the hypothesis that the nuclear fuel pools released as plutonium.

You will recall back on April 26th, I postulated that there was a prompt criticality in the Unit 3 fuel pool and there is a lot of data to support that: the flame was on that side of the building, the height of the explosion. I postulated that that is what deposited the plutonium a mile or two off site. What the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is saying is much worse than that. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is saying that the reactors have breeched, and the containments have breeched, and liberated this plutonium, which has gone off site. I do not understand their position. Frankly, I do not think it is right. I still believe that it is the fuel pools that caused the plutonium to be deposited. But if I am wrong and it is not the fuel pools, in fact, the position of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is much worse. If the reactors have failed and the containments have failed causing this, we really need to seriously look at American reactor design.

The next thing I would like to talk about just briefly is that a tent is almost ready to be built over Unit 1 at Fukushima. That is not going to solve a lot of problems, but it is going to solve two problems. The purpose of the tent is to reduce the amount of radiation on site. The radiation inside that tent is still going to have to go somewhere, or else it is going to build up and become lethal. So what is going to have to happen to that radiation, is it is going to be exhausted up the stack. That is good for the workers, because it gets that radiation airborne at a much higher elevation and it is good for the surrounding communities. But it does not solve the problem of radiation releases from Fukushima. I wanted you to know that, when you see this tent that is being built over Fukushima 1, it does not solve the problem. It pushes the Cesium deposition further away from the site. It is important for the workers that they get less Cesium, but it is not, on a global basis, reducing the amount of Cesium that we are all receiving.

And that brings me to my final point. The deposition of Cesium throughout northern Japan is extensive. The Japanese are allowing that material to be burned if the concentration of radioactivity on anything that is radioactive is less than 8,000 becquerels per kilogram. What that means is that two pounds, about a kilogram, can be disintegrating at 8,000 disintegrations every second and the Japanese are allowing that to be burned. Here in the United States, that would be considered radioactive waste, and would have to be disposed of underground for thousands of years. But as long as it is less than 8,000 disintegrations per second, the Japanese are allowing that to be burned. Not only that, and this is actually more disconcerting, they are allowing blending. So if one sample had 24,000 disintegrations per second, and another two had none, they combine those, so that the three on average have 8,000 disintegrations per second and they are allowed to be burned. That has lots of serious ramifications. First, it is basically the material that has already come out of Fukushima and is on the ground, is now going airborne again. Deliberately.

So the towns around, and the areas around schools, school playgrounds that have been cleaned up from Fukushima, are now getting Cesium redeposited on them by the burning of the material. So the clouds of radiation from the different areas that are having fires in Japan right now, are re-contaminating areas that have been sampled as clean or low. And in fact now will see higher radiation. It does not stop just at the Japanese border, but of course continues across the Pacific into the Pacific Northwest as well. So by allowing the burning of material, we are basically recreating Fukushima all over again. We are sending into the air that which has been deposited on the ground. There is also some data that the ground deposition is running out into rivers and now into the ocean, relatively far from Fukushima. So while the focus has been on just the Fukushima site, in fact now, we are seeing radioactive rivers further away which are also contaminating the ocean.

Japan has a problem, a tough problem. But in order to solve the tough problem, first you have to recognize there is a tough problem. And this constant ignoring of the significance of the problem by the Japanese government is, in fact, making the problem longer, and eventually more costly, than doing it right the first time.

I think the Japanese need to recognize that they have a problem. And it is serious and they have to recognize that it is going to cost a lot of money to fix. But it is fixable if it begins with the concept that there is a serious problem that needs to be solved.

Thank you.

[/tab][tab title="日本人"]

フェアウィンズ・アソシエーツ、アーニー・ガンダーセン 「新データがフェアウィンズの分析を支持/放射能汚染が日本と世界に拡大

訂正: 塩は塩化ナトリウムです。このビデオの中で、海水(塩化ナトリウム)が中性子にさらされて硫黄35になる過程を説明していますが、ナトリウムが中性子を捕獲して硫黄になった、とアーニーは言っていますが、これは塩素が中性子を捕獲して硫黄になった、の言い間違いでした。テレプロンプターでも使えればよいのですが。(どなたか、寄付してくださる方、いらっしゃいますか?)ともあれ、化学的に説明すれば、Cl35 (n,p) S35 という反応です。間違いを指摘してくださったサイトの読者・視聴者の皆さん、ありがとうございました。























次に手短にお話ししたいのは、1号機にかぶせるテントがほぼ完成したことです。このテントによって事態が大きく改善するわけではありませんが、2 つの問題は解決します。テントの目的は、敷地内の線量を下げることです。テント内の放射性物質はどこかに逃がさないと行けません。さもないとどんどん濃度が高まって、致命的なレベルになります。ですから、排気塔を使って放射性物質を排気しなければなりません。これは作業員にとってはありがたいことです。放射性物質をもっと高い高度で空中に放出できるからです。周辺地域にとっても良いことです。しかし、原発から放射性物質が放出されること自体を改善するわけではありません。


そこが今日の最後のポイントにつながります。北日本では地域全体にセシウムが大量に降下しました。日本政府は、放射能に汚染された瓦礫を焼却することを認めようとしています。キロ当たりの線量が8,000ベクレル以下であれば燃やしてもいいというのです。これは1kg当たりの崩壊数が毎秒 8,000個ということです。それを焼却することを日本政府は許可しようとしています。アメリカであれば、放射性廃棄物として処分して何千年も地中に埋めなければならないレベルです。にもかかわらず、8,000ベクレルを超えなければ燃やしていいというのです。









Fairewinds Introduces a Japanese Language Edition and Identifies Safety Problems in all Reactors Designed Like Fukushima

About This Video

Arnie Gundersen expresses concerns that the nuclear industry and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are not addressing major safety issues that have become evident since Fukushima. These issues include serious design flaws in the BWR Mark 1 containment, fundamental flaws in the Boiling Water Reactor vessel design, and problems with detonation shockwaves. The NRC and the nuclear industry are using a flawed cost benefit computer code that underestimates the value of human life and minimize property damages after an accident, which has the effect of justifying continued operation of reactors without safety modifications.

Fairewinds also announces the launch of the Japanese language version of its site,

Video Transcript

[tabgroup][tab title="English"]

Arnie Gundersen: Hi. I'm Arnie Gundersen from Fairewinds.

It's been about three weeks since we posted a video, although there have been a couple radio interviews posted. That doesn't mean we haven't been busy here at Fairewinds. I have been doing expert witness testimony but more importantly Maggie and Kevin have been busy converting to which will be a Japanese translation of our website. I’d like to thank a large number of dedicated Japanese speakers who have worked with us in translating all these videos into Japanese. Today is the first day that and will be broadcasting the same material. Thank you very much to those volunteers.

In the last several months the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a review of safety as a result of the Fukushima accident. They just published their report in several key areas that they wanted to look at in more depth. That report is on our website but more importantly the Union of Concerned Scientists, acting as a watchdog over the NRC, has issued a critique of that initial nuclear regulatory report. We posted that Union of Concerned Scientists critique as well, and there are important lessons that the NRC has identified but more importantly there are issues that the Union of Concerned Scientists have recognized where the NRC needs to really put their money where their mouth is and not just study safety issues but actually implement safety changes.

Well today what I would like to talk about are four things that are not in the NRC 's report that I really think should be in the NRC's report. They are the containment, the reactor, the explosion and the last thing called Severe Accident Mitigation Analysis. The first thing is the containment on this boiling water reactor and the 35 other boiling water nuclear reactors that are exactly like that. Back in February, about three weeks before the accident, Maggie and I were walking and Maggie said, “You know we are doing a lot of expert reports and we are finding a lot of problems,” and she asked me, “Where do you think the next accident will occur?” I said I don't know where but I know for sure it will be in a Mark 1 boiling water containment. Well that's what the Fukushima reactors were: Mark 1 containments. This picture of a boiling water container was taken in the 70's. This is identical to the Fukushima reactors. Let me walk you through this.

There's two pieces to the containment, the top looks like an upside down light bulb and that's called a drywell. Inside there is where the nuclear reactor is. Down below is a doughnut looking thing called a torus and that's filled almost all the way with water. The theory is that if the reactor breaks steam will shoot out through the light bulb into the doughnut creating lots of bubbles which will reduce the pressure. This thing is called the pressure suppression containment. At the bottom of that picture is the lid to the containment. When it's fully assembled that lid sits on top. The containment is about 1 inch thick. Inside it is the nuclear reactor that is about 8 inches thick. We will get to that in a minute. This type of containment was designed in the early 70's, late 60's, and by 1972 a lot of people had concerns with the containment. I want to read to you a NRC memo from 1972 that talks about the problems of this pressure suppression containment:

"Steve's idea to ban the pressure suppression containment scheme is an attractive one. However, the acceptance of the pressure suppression containment system by all elements of the nuclear field including regulatory and the advisory committees on reactor safeguards is firmly embedded in conventional wisdom. Reversal of this hallowed policy, especially in this time could well lead to the end of nuclear power. It would throw into question the operation of licensed plants and it would generally create more turmoil than I can stand."

So in the early 70's the NRC recognized this containment system was flawed. In the mid-70's they realized the forces were in the wrong direction: instead of down they were up, and large straps were put into place. Well then in the 80's there was another problem that developed. After the Three Mile Island [accident], they realized this containment could explode from a hydrogen build up. That had not been factored into the design in the 70's, either. What they came up for this containment was a vent in the side of it. The vent is designed to let the pressure out and a containment is designed to keep the pressure in.

So, rather than contain this radioactivity engineers realized if the containment were to survive an explosion, they'd have to open a hole in the side of it called a containment vent. These vents were added in the late 1980's and they were not added because the NRC demanded it, what the industry did to avoid that [demand] was to create an initiative. They put them in voluntarily. That sounds really in fact very proactive, but in fact it wasn't. If the NRC [had] required it, it would have opened up the license on these plants to citizens and scientists that had concerns. By having the industry voluntarily put these vents in it did two things. One, it did not allow any public participation in the process to see if they were safe and the second thing is it did not allow the NRC to look at these vents and say that they were safety related, in fact, it sidetracked the process entirely.

These vents were never tested until Fukushima. This containment was never tested until Fukushima. In fact it failed three times out of three tries. In retrospect, we shouldn’t be surprised.

Looking at the procedures for opening these vents in the event electricity fails requires someone fully clad in radiation gear to go down to an enormous valve in the bowels of plant and turn the crank two hundred (200) times to open it. Now, can you imagine: in the middle of a nuclear accident, with steam, and explosions, and radiation, expecting an employee to go into the plant and turn a valve two hundred times to open it? So, that was the second band-aid fix that failed on a containment that, forty years earlier, was designed too small.

Well, with all this in mind, I think we really need to ask the question: should the Mark 1 containment even be allowed to continue to operate? The NRC’s position is, “Well, we can make the vents stronger.” I don’t think that’s a good idea.

Now, all those issues that I just talked about are related to the Mark 1 containment. The next thing I’d like to talk about is the reactor that sits inside that containment. So, that light bulb and that doughnut are the containment structure. Inside that is where the nuclear reactor is. On a boiling water reactor, the nuclear control rods come in at the bottom. On a pressurized water reactor they come in from the top. All of the reactors at Fukushima, and 35 in the world with this design, come in from the bottom. That poses a unique problem and an important difference that the NRC is not looking at right now. If the core melts in a pressurized water reactor there are no holes in the bottom of the nuclear reactor. It’s a very thick eight to ten inch (8-10 Inch) piece of metal that the nuclear reactor core would have to melt through. But that didn’t happen at Fukushima. Fukushima was a boiling water reactor. It’s got holes in the bottom. When the nuclear core lies on the bottom of a boiling water reactor like Fukushima, or the ones in the U.S., or others in Japan, it’s easier for the core to melt through because of those sixty (60) holes in the bottom of the reactor. It doesn’t have to melt through eight inches of steel. It just has to melt through a very thin-walled pipe and scoot out the hole in the bottom of the nuclear reactor.

I’m not the only one to recognize that holes at the bottom of a boiling water reactor are a problem. Last week an email came out that was written by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission right after the Fukushima accident where they recognized that, if there’s a core meltdown and it’s now lying as a blob on the bottom of the nuclear reactor, these holes in the bottom of the reactor form channels through which the hot molted fuel can get out a lot easier and a lot quicker than a thick pressurized water reactor design. This is a flaw in any boiling water reactor, and the Nuclear Regulatory is not recognizing that the likelihood of melting through a boiling water reactor like Fukushima is a lot more significant than the likelihood of melting through a pressurized water reactor. The third area is an area we’ve discussed in depth in a previous video. That area is that the explosion at Unit 3 was a detonation, not a deflagration. It has to do with the speed of the shockwave. The shockwave at Unit 3 traveled faster than the speed of sound, and that’s an important distinction that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the entire nuclear industry is not looking at. A containment can’t withstand a shockwave that travels faster than the speed of sound, yet all containments are designed assuming that doesn’t happen. At Fukushima [Unit] 3, it happened. We need to understand how it happened and mitigate against it in the future on all reactors. Now, I measured that. A scale the size of the building against the speed at which the explosion occurred, and determined that that shockwave traveled at around a thousand miles per hour. The speed of sound is around six hundred feet per second (600 ft/sec) so, if this is what I think it is, it could cause enormous damage to a containment. They are not designed to handle it. Yet, the NRC is not looking at that.

So, we’ve got three key areas where the NRC and the nuclear industry don’t want people to look, and [those are, one]: should this Mark 1 containment even be allowed to operate? Two: are boiling water reactors more prone to a melt-through than a pressurized water reactor? And the third is: can containments withstand a detonation shockwave?

If the nuclear industry wants to implement a safety change, they have to do something called a cost-benefit analysis. What that means is the cost to implement the change has to be exceeded by the benefits to society if the change is made. This brings me to the last point today which is called “SAMA,” S, A, M, A. It stands for Severe Accident Mitigation Analysis. It uses a really fancy computer code that calculates exactly what the costs are to society in the event of a big accident. Those costs are in terms of human life, and they’re in terms of damages to property. The computer code is wrong. It’s been known to have been wrong for a long time, but it continues to be in use. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission puts the lowest possible value on a human life of any of the agencies in Washington. And, the cleanup after an accident is also artificially low. The net effect is that when a cost to make a modification is compared against the benefits to society, this computer code distorts the benefits and lowers them. So, it appears that there’s no need to make the change because the costs are too high and the benefits to you and I, and society, are too low. Fukushima has taught us that that’s just not true. The costs to clean up Fukushima are going to be in the hundreds of billions of dollars U.S. [The costs will be] at least two hundred billion dollars U.S. And yet, this computer code that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission uses never, ever, calculates a high number like that. Unless we adjust the cost/benefit analysis, what will happen is: as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission identifies problems that should be corrected, their own computer code will show that it’s not justified, that the risks to society are really too low, that we don’t need to spend that money. The problem is in the computer code, and until we upwardly adjust the cost of a human life, and the cost of damage to property we won’t be able to come up with an effective way of judging the costs and the benefits of these safety modifications.

Well, that about sums it up. There are at least three key areas that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the nuclear industry, both in Japan and the United States, are not looking at: containment design, boiling water reactor vessels, and detonation shockwaves. But, no matter what they look at, if they don’t do the cost/benefit analysis right and properly evaluate the cost to society, none of these changes will be implemented.

Again, I’d like to thank our Japanese viewers and welcome them to, and also to thank all of our viewers over the last one hundred and seventy days, and thank them for watching

[/tab][tab title="日本人"]






それよりお伝えしたい重要なことは、マギーとケビン・ハーレイさん(当サイトのクリエイター)が の日本語翻訳となるFairewinds.jpの作成のため多忙であったということです。ここで、これらビデオの日本語翻訳のため、私たちとともに献身してくださった、数多くの日本語翻訳者の皆さんに感謝を伝えたいと思います。今日は、 と Fairewinds.comが同じ内容を放映する最初の日になります。ボランティアとして協力してくださった皆さん、本当にありがとう。

ここ数ヶ月間、原子力規制委員会(NRC)は福島原発事故を受けての原子力安全性の見直しを発表しています。彼らは、自分たちがより深く調べたいいくつかのキーエリアについて、独自の報告書を発表しているだけです。それらNRCによるレポートは私たちサイトにもありますが、より重要なことは、NRCの監視活動を続けている、憂慮する科学者団体(the Union of Concerned Scientists)が最初の原子力規制に関する報告書の批評を発表したことです。





























