Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin (PSR WI) is an organization of health professionals and other concerned individuals who work to protect human life from the gravest threats to health and survival.

By educating ourselves and the public about these threats, we hope to prevent what we cannot cure.

PSR Wisconsin recognizes that the three biggest threats today to human survival are nuclear weapons, climate change and environmental degradation. We seek to prevent nuclear war, to reverse our climate change trajectory with carbon-free and nuclear-free energy, and to stop further contamination of our  environment.

PSR-WI seeks to bring together physicians, health professionals and advocates to chart avenues for action on the most pertinent health threats our world faces today.

Ploughshares Fund

We Believe Everyone has the Right to a Safe & Secure Future

For 40 years Ploughshares Fund has supported the most effective people and organizations in the world to reduce and eventually eliminate the dangers posed by nuclear weapons.

Excerpt from the Ploughshares Fund website:


But Its Nuclear Threats Live On

Did you know?

  • Since 1993, there have been 454 confirmed incidents of illegal possession, smuggling, purchasing, or selling of nuclear or otherwise radioactive materials.

  • The US President has the absolute and total authority to order a nuclear attack. Neither Congress nor any other governmental authority has oversight over a launch decision.

  • There are still over 13,000 nuclear weapons left on the planet; over 90% are in the US and Russia, with the remainder in China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan and the United Kingdom.

  • There have been dozens of nuclear false alarms, yet the president has a mere 10 minutes to decide whether to launch an attack when an incoming strike is reported.

Nuclear weapons do nothing to protect us from 21st century threats. Yet the US government is planning to spend $2 trillion over the next 30 years to rebuild our arsenal—plans that could push Russia, China and other countries to build even more nuclear weapons.

Rocky Mountain Institute

Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)’s mission is to transform global energy use to create a clean, prosperous, and secure low-carbon future.

RMI is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization of experts across disciplines working to accelerate the clean energy transition and improve lives. Since its founding in 1982 by Amory Lovins, RMI’s chairman emeritus, they have grown to 300 staff working on four continents with a global reach and reputation.


After the devastating earthquake and tsunami which struck eastern Japan on March 11, 2011, and the subsequent meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, accurate and trustworthy radiation information was publicly unavailable. Safecast was formed in response, and quickly began monitoring, collecting, and openly sharing information on environmental radiation and other pollutants.

The value and credibility of Safecast data has been globally recognized. Our community is inclusive and non-partisan, comprising people of all ages and from all walks of life. Energetic outreach activities allow us to share our experiences with individuals and groups worldwide through frequent workshops, talks, and educational programs.

But most importantly, Safecast has enabled people to easily monitor their own homes and environments, and to free themselves of dependence on government and other institutions for this kind of essential information. We are happy to be playing a major continuing role in the emergence of technically competent citizen science efforts worldwide.

Savannah River Site (SRS) Watch

SRS Watch monitors a host of energy and nuclear issues from a public interest perspective with a specialty in DOE’s Savannah River Site located in South Carolina. SRS Watch has been working for the public interest by monitoring activities at the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Site and other DOE and commercial nuclear projects in the southeastern U.S. region and beyond & striving to halt proliferation of weapons-usable materials.

Snake River Alliance

Snake River Alliance works to protect Idaho’s people, environment, and economy from the adverse impacts of nuclear activities, while promoting a clean, renewable energy future for all Idahoans.

Snake River Alliance also leads the charge for Idaho’s clean energy future. The Alliance was the first group in Idaho to explain how the state could end its use of coal-fired power generation and successfully challenged efforts to prevent utility customers from installing solar panels on their rooftops, using that energy, and selling unused energy. Their “Solarize the Valley” campaign provided solar audits to 400 families and helped more than 120 families install solar and invest more than $2.5 million in the Treasure Valley economy.

Georgia WAND

Georgia WAND Education Fund, Inc. is an independent, grassroots, women-led organization that organizes front-line communities, especially people of color, women, and youth, to establish long-term solutions for social justice.

Georgia WAND goals:

1. To mitigate, reduce or reverse nuclear and environmental harms in Georgia communities.

2. To build economic, political and cultural power in frontline communities.

Friends of the Earth (FOE)

Friends of the Earth fights for a more healthy and just world.

Together we speak truth to power and expose those who endanger the health of people and the planet for corporate profit. We organize to build long-term political power and campaign to change the rules of our economic and political systems that create injustice and destroy nature.

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

NRDC works to safeguard the earth—its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.

NRDC was founded in 1970 by a group of law students and attorneys at the forefront of the environmental movement. Today's leadership team and board of trustees makes sure the organization continues to work to ensure the rights of all people to clean air, clean water, and healthy communities.

New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light

New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light works for climate justice by mobilizing faith communities, faith leaders and people of faith to reduce the causes and consequences of global climate change through religious inspiration, education, outreach, implementation of sustainable practices and advocating effective climate protection policies.

Rocky Flats Downwinders

Rocky Flats Downwinders is a community organization founded in 2015 advocating on behalf of those impacted by living downwind from the former Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant near Arvada, Colorado. The organization came together through common concern about the high rate of illness suffered by former residents in the Arvada, Broomfield, Thornton and surrounding areas. The main goals are to bring about awareness of Rocky Flats in order to educate the community, to sensitize medical professionals regarding potential adverse health effects suffered by Downwinders, and to offer supportive services for Downwinders.