Fairewinds Resources
The Center for Biological Diversity
/The Center for Biological Diversity believes that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, the Center for Biological Diversity works to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction and does so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive.
Center for Environmental Health
CEH protects people from toxic chemicals by working with communities, consumers, workers, government, and the private sector to demand and support business practices that are safe for public health and the environment.
Health and Well-being
People and their health and well-being are our ultimate concerns. Air, water, food, and consumer products should be free of dangerous and untested chemicals.
Corporate Accountability and Transparency
Manufacturers of chemicals and products should be required to test their own products for safety, make that data public, and choose the alternatives that are safest for people and the environment.
The Precautionary Principle
Decision makers in government and business should heed the early warnings of Science. When credible evidence exists that a chemical can cause harm, business and government decision makers should err on the side of protecting people’s health.
Social and Environmental Justice
To protect the health of all people, we must address the disproportionate health effects of toxic chemicals caused by systemic racism and other social injustices. The movement to eliminate dangerous chemicals must move forward in partnership with Environmental Justice, Reproductive Justice, and other related movements working to address the pressing social justice issues of our day.
Healthy Economy
A healthy economy is one in which people’s fundamental needs are met efficiently, businesses are accountable, resources are shared in a way that minimizes disparities, and overall levels of consumption are sustainable. The true measure of a society’s health is not how much it consumes, but rather how effectively it meets the fundamental needs of all its people.
Healthy Democracy
Corporate influence over environmental health policy, regulation and enforcement, through campaign contributions and other means, undermines democracy and puts the health of people at risk. Court decisions have given corporations rights that should only be held by people. We believe that corporations are not people, and money is not speech.
By working together, government, community members, NGOs, and responsible businesses can eliminate the growing threat to human health posed by toxic chemicals and irresponsible business practices.
League of Conservation Voters
/Today, low-income communities and communities of color bear a disproportionate burden of polluters’ unchecked actions and are often disregarded or disenfranchised from the political processes and decisions that affect their communities. As a result, these communities often suffer from higher rates of asthma and other debilitating illnesses, contaminated soil and water, infrastructure that crumbles in extreme weather, and job loss and displacement. LCV firmly believes that no matter what your zip code, all people have a right to clean air, safe drinking water and access to open spaces. We are working to ensure that local communities are always part of the decision making processes, and we are fighting for a future where all communities are protected from environmental harm.
Georgia WAND
/Georgia WAND Education Fund, Inc. is an independent, grassroots, women-led organization that organizes front-line communities, especially people of color, women, and youth, to establish long-term solutions for social justice.
Georgia WAND goals:
1. To mitigate, reduce or reverse nuclear and environmental harms in Georgia communities.
2. To build economic, political and cultural power in frontline communities.
Friends of the Earth (FOE)
/Friends of the Earth fights for a more healthy and just world.
Together we speak truth to power and expose those who endanger the health of people and the planet for corporate profit. We organize to build long-term political power and campaign to change the rules of our economic and political systems that create injustice and destroy nature.
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
/NRDC works to safeguard the earth—its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.
NRDC was founded in 1970 by a group of law students and attorneys at the forefront of the environmental movement. Today's leadership team and board of trustees makes sure the organization continues to work to ensure the rights of all people to clean air, clean water, and healthy communities.
New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light
/New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light works for climate justice by mobilizing faith communities, faith leaders and people of faith to reduce the causes and consequences of global climate change through religious inspiration, education, outreach, implementation of sustainable practices and advocating effective climate protection policies.
Rocky Flats Downwinders
/Rocky Flats Downwinders is a community organization founded in 2015 advocating on behalf of those impacted by living downwind from the former Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant near Arvada, Colorado. The organization came together through common concern about the high rate of illness suffered by former residents in the Arvada, Broomfield, Thornton and surrounding areas. The main goals are to bring about awareness of Rocky Flats in order to educate the community, to sensitize medical professionals regarding potential adverse health effects suffered by Downwinders, and to offer supportive services for Downwinders.
Ontario Clean Air Alliance (OCAA)
/The OCAA led the successful campaign to phase-out Ontario’s five dirty coal-fired power plants. They are now working to move Ontario towards a 100% renewable future through an integrated combination of energy conservation and efficiency, water power imports from Quebec and cost-effective Made-in-Ontario green energy.
The phase out of coal power eliminated Ontario’s largest single source of greenhouse gas emissions, and smog builders like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. It also eliminated a massive source of dangerous particulate matter, which can damage hearts and lungs, and toxins, including mercury, cadmium and lead.
Reverse the Trend
/Reverse The Trend amplifies the voices of young people, primarily coming from frontline communities, who have been directly affected by nuclear weapons and climate change.
This initiative embraces an interdisciplinary perspective on critical issues related to international peace and security and climate activism.
To address the environmental catastrophe of nuclear weapons, this project engages youth by providing educational resources to understand the intersecting nature of these twin existential threats; encourage movement building through art; and create opportunities to share their local histories/stories in public and policy spaces.
Savannah Riverkeeper
Savannah Riverkeeper serves as the primary guardian of the Savannah River striving to respect, protect, and improve the entire river basin through education, advocacy, and action. They are a 501c(3) non-profit organization funded by individuals and foundations that share our commitment to creating a clean and healthy river that sustains life and is cherished by its people.
Savannah Riverkeeper strives to be an effective and sustainable organization solely focused on making the Savannah River a healthy and productive watershed ensuring the natural, economic, and recreational viability of the basin as a whole now and for generations to come. They accomplish these goals by working under the pillars of restoration, protection and education.
Science and Environmental Health Network
In service to communities, the Earth and future generations, the Science and Environmental Health Network forges law, ethics, and science into tools for action.
SEHN History
SEHN was founded in 1994 by a consortium of North American environmental organizations (including the Environmental Defense Fund, The Environmental Research Foundation, and OMB Watch) concerned about the misuse of science in ways that failed to protect the environment and human health. Granted 501(c)(3) status in 1999, SEHN operates as a virtual organization, currently with five staff and six board members working from locations across the U.S.
Since 1998, SEHN has been the leading proponent in the United States of the Precautionary Principle as a new basis for environmental and public health policy. SEHN has worked with issue driven organizations, national environmental health coalitions, municipal and state governments, and several NGO/government teams to implement precautionary policies at local and state levels.