Update on Fukushima: Discovery of Plutonium Leakage and Highly Radioactive Water

Update on Fukushima: Discovery of Plutonium Leakage and Highly Radioactive Water

Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer of Fairewinds Associates, discusses the recent finding of plutonium in the soil at five locations around the Daiichi power plant. He also addresses the discovery of highly radioactive water found in trenches which appear to be draining into the ocean.

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News on Fukushima Daiichi

News on Fukushima Daiichi

Arnie Gundersen discusses the failure of the Daiichi ventilation stacks and the resulting high radiation ground level release. IAEA data shows background radiation at 1,600 times normal levels in areas as far as 40km from Daiichi and surface radiation at 0.9 MBq/m2 (900,000 disintegrations per second)

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Epidemiologist Steve Wing Discusses the Increases in Cancer Rates After Three Mile Island Accident (Part 2)

Epidemiologist Steve Wing Discusses the Increases in Cancer Rates After Three Mile Island Accident (Part 2)

These talks were recorded live at the Pennsylvania State Capitol on March 26, 2009. Dr. Steven Wing's talk is about the long-term health effects to human, animal, and plant life in the aftermath of the accident at Three Mile Island.

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Epidemiologist Steve Wing Discusses the Increases in Cancer Rates After Three Mile Island Accident (Part 1)

Epidemiologist Steve Wing Discusses the Increases in Cancer Rates After Three Mile Island Accident (Part 1)

These talks were recorded live at the Pennsylvania State Capitol on March 26, 2009.

Dr. Steven Wing's talk is about the long-term health effects to human, animal, and plant life in the aftermath of the accident at Three Mile Island.

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