Flash from the past: Why an apparent Israeli nuclear test in 1979 matters today

Flash from the past: Why an apparent Israeli nuclear test in 1979 matters today

At a time when the Iran agreement is in the headlines and other Middle Eastern countries—notably Saudi Arabia—are making noises about establishing their own programs for nuclear energy and nuclear weapons, it is worth giving renewed scrutiny to an event that occurred 36 years ago: a likely Israeli-South African nuclear test over the ocean between the southern part of Africa and the Antarctic.

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Dozens of nuclear blunders ‘ignored’

Dozens of nuclear blunders ‘ignored’

The nuclear safety regulator has been accused of turning a blind eye to dozens of serious mistakes at power plants and military bases.

A torpedo inadvertently fired by a Navy warship at the nuclear submarine dock in Plymouth and three road accidents involving vehicles carrying radioactive material were among the events dismissed as posing no danger.

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Channel NewsAsia: Abe's Fukushima 'under control' pledge to secure Olympics was a lie - former PM

Channel NewsAsia: Abe's Fukushima 'under control' pledge to secure Olympics was a lie - former PM

TOKYO: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's promise that the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant was "under control" in his successful pitch three years ago for Tokyo to host the 2020 Olympic Games "was a lie", former premier Junichiro Koizumi said on Wednesday.

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nuclear-news: When France uses Charles Aznavour to trivialize Fukushima

nuclear-news: When France uses Charles Aznavour to trivialize Fukushima

Last week, the Embassy of France in Tokyo, Japan organized a “friendship dinner” to promote agricultural products from Fukushima. In this great communication exercise, the main purpose was to “serve the interests of France in Japan”, that is by defending the nuclear industry.

” The oceans are garbage dumps, the seabeds are soiled, smultiple Chernobyls are seeing fetuses stillborn”, sang in 2009 Charles Aznavour in “The Earth dies”.

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FAS: Navy Builds Underground Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility; Seattle Busses Carry Warning

FAS: Navy Builds Underground Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility; Seattle Busses Carry Warning

The US Navy has quietly built a new $294 million underground nuclear weapons storage complex at the Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific (SWFPAC), a high-security base in Washington that stores and maintains the Trident II ballistic missiles and their nuclear warheads for the strategic submarine fleet operating in the Pacific Ocean. 

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