Strontium-90 and VT Yankee
/Strontium-90 was detected in a well on Vermont Yankee's site today. The spread of strontium-90 into the groundwater was foreseen by Fairewinds in its report to the Vermont Legislature in July 2010. Fairewinds noted potential impacts on decommissioning, and made recommendations.
The summary on Strontium-90 is on pages 7-8 and pages 15-16 of the report to the legislature, below. This was an assessment of Entergy Nuclear VT Yankee's progress (as of July 1, 2010) toward meeting the milestones outlined by the Act 189 Vermont Yankee Public Oversight Panel, since the incidents with the tritium leak and buried underground pipes, and new reliability challenges facing ENVY, Entergy, and the State of Vermont.