Gundersen on Earthfiles: Fukushima One Year Later: Not Yet Out of the Woods

About This Interview

Linda Moultan Howe, founder of, hosts Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds. Linda and Arnie discuss the triple meltdown of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and Japan’s energy future. They discuss the Japanese government's attempts to dilute the Daiichi contaminated waste from the Fukushima prefecture by mixing it with everyday trash, burning it, and then dumping it into Tokyo Bay and other locations around Japan. Linda asks what the effects of all this radiation is on the rest of the world and the western United States, and Arnie discusses his recent trip to Japan and the soil samples he took in Tokyo that would be classified as nuclear waste here in the U.S. The conversation culminates with a discussion of the similarities and differences between Japan’s triple meltdown and the explosion and meltdown at Chernobyl.

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