National News: Whistleblowing – Then & Now

National News: Whistleblowing – Then & Now

Here at Fairewinds, there are many reasons why we choose our Demystifying Nuclear Power Blog posts, and those reasons range from breaking news to reflective thoughts to cutting edge scientific findings or studies. Today, however, we are sharing the first blog post in a series that we will continue for several months as we share our personal perspective and story about being nuclear whistleblowers.

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Three Mile Island (TMI): Nuclear Spring: A Legacy of Lies 

Three Mile Island (TMI): Nuclear Spring: A Legacy of Lies 

Arnie spent one week at the end of March in the Harrisburg Pennsylvania area for a series of events remembering the 40-years since the meltdown at TMI. Arnie was invited to present the keynote at Penn State’s 40th commemoration of the TMI disaster and was filmed by C-Span…

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Fukushima, Chernobyl, And Three Mile Island Prove Why Nuclear Power Will Never Be Inherently Safe

Fukushima, Chernobyl, And Three Mile Island Prove Why Nuclear Power Will Never Be Inherently Safe

Recently, after Forbes Magazine published an opinion piece entitled, It Sounds Crazy, But Fukushima, Chernobyl, And Three Mile Island Show Why Nuclear Is Inherently Safe, a number of Forbes’ readers called and continue to write Fairewinds Energy Education to ask us if this opinion piece is true. Quite frankly, the article is an infomercial for the nuclear industry: it twists data in order to paint a rosy picture of nuclear energy.

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Atomic Balm Part 2: The Run For Your Life Tokyo Olympics

Atomic Balm Part 2: The Run For Your Life Tokyo Olympics

To begin Part 2, let’s talk about the scientific studies that Dr. Marco Kaltofen and I began together back in 2012. Before the ongoing catastrophe created by the Fukushima meltdowns, the maximum allowable radiation exposure to civilians worldwide emanating from commercial atomic power reactors was 100 millirem per year (1 milli Sievert per year).

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Atomic Balm Part 1: Prime Minister Abe Uses The Tokyo Olympics As Snake Oil Cure For The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Meltdowns

Atomic Balm Part 1:  Prime Minister Abe Uses The Tokyo Olympics As Snake Oil Cure For The  Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Meltdowns

As we prepare for the eighth remembrance of the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami and triple meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi, Fairewinds is ever mindful of what is currently happening in Japan.  

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PG&E: Diablo Canyon Defers Millions Of Dollars Of Maintenance - Nuclear: California

PG&E: Diablo Canyon Defers Millions Of Dollars Of Maintenance - Nuclear: California

In 2016 Fairewinds identified numerous examples of dangerously deferred maintenance for critical mechanical portions of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Now that PG&E filed for bankruptcy protection on January 29th, 2019, it is likely that new cash constraints will further delay critical plant repairs.

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The Times They Are A-Changin! - Green New Deal #GND

The Times They Are A-Changin! - Green New Deal #GND

For several decades, electric energy visionaries like Amory Lovins foresaw a future that was powered by energy from the sun and wind. The electric power industry claimed that electric generation corporations needed what the industry calls ‘baseload’ power from CONG (coal, oil, nuclear, and gas) for the times when the sun does not shine and the wind does not blow. It turned out that the visionaries like Amory were correct!

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The Science Behind Climate Change

The Science Behind Climate Change

Fairewinds Energy Education firmly believes in the science of human induced climate change along with the vast majority of the scientific community and our scientific colleagues. Humans are rapidly changing the chemical composition of our atmosphere by releasing billions of metric tonnes of CO2, methane, and other greenhouse gases through our over reliance on fossil fuels and gross misuse of land. 

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Closing 2018 and Moving To 2019

Closing 2018 and Moving To 2019

Tomorrow begins the new year of 2019.  I want to thank each one of you who writes and calls Fairewinds Energy Education with technical questions and/or encouragement for the work we do. Thank you to each one of you who donates to help us continue Fairewinds scientific research and is participating or has participated in one of Fairewinds citizen science programs. We so appreciate your work with us and your donations to us

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Climate Change Is Real: Nuclear Is Not The Answer!

Climate Change Is Real: Nuclear Is Not The Answer!

This summer Arnie and I moved to the South Carolina “LOW COUNTRY” where our house is twelve feet above sea level. According to scientists, in 100 years our house will be permanently flooded from rising sea levels due to climate change. Yet according to some politicians, South Carolinian and those on the national stage, there is no climate change here in South Carolina or anywhere in the world.

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