Learning From Our Mistakes: It Could Have Been Worse

Learning From Our Mistakes: It Could Have Been Worse

March 11, 2017 marks 6 years since triple meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants and near meltdown at numerous atomic power reactors across Japan. Even today we are still realizing the widespread impacts these meltdowns have caused for the citizens of Japan and their ongoing impact around the earth. 

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Demystifying Nuclear Power; The CO2 Smokescreen Backstory

Demystifying Nuclear Power; The CO2 Smokescreen Backstory

Demystifying Nuclear Power is what the Fairewinds Crew focuses on every day. Whether we are working on analyzing scientific data, collaborating with colleagues, researching critical energy and technical issues, lecturing to organizations, or writing the articles you read – our mission is to educate the people around the world about nuclear power and other energy issues.

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Nuclear Power’s Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Smokescreen

Nuclear Power’s Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Smokescreen

Does the nuclear industry’s latest claim that it is the world’s salvation from increasing levels of CO2 hold up under scrutiny? No! The evidence clearly shows that building new nukes will make global warming worse. 

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Demystifying Nuclear Power: Hanford Nuclear Reservation Belches a Deadly Warning

Demystifying Nuclear Power: Hanford Nuclear Reservation Belches a Deadly Warning

Located in Washington State, near the majestic Columbia River, the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is a site of grimly historic significance, linked to the bombing of Nagasaki and the Cold War nuclear arms race. The site was chosen in 1943 because its ample supply of water could be used to cool the nine atomic reactors designed to make Plutonium for A bombs. That water was drawn from the majestic Columbia River that further downstream creates the border between Washington and Oregon. 

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Demystifying Nuclear Power: Public Service Announcement: Nukespeak Watch

Demystifying Nuclear Power: Public Service Announcement: Nukespeak Watch

We at Fairewinds think it’s time to further reframe the conversation around nuclear energy and the myths and misconceptions it perpetuates. 

For far too long, spin doctors within the nuclear energy industry have successfully obscured bad news about their product by carefully controlling the language chosen for public consumption. It is called “Nukespeak”. 

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Problem: In a post-Fukushima-triple-meltdown world, do the numbers work for atomic power?

Problem: In a post-Fukushima-triple-meltdown world, do the numbers work for atomic power?

With a giant blot still spreading over the page of its public safety record, the multi-national, multi-billion dollar atomic power industry faces the stark economic reality that it can’t successfully compete financially with sustainable methods of generating electricity...

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Demystifying Nuclear Power: I'm an Energy Voter

Demystifying Nuclear Power: I'm an Energy Voter

November 2015 is an election month at many locations in the United States. Most Americans have seen the slick ads, paid for by the fossil fuel industry, urging voters to demand more and more dirty energy. 

Personally, I’d like to see this message stripped of its cynical agenda and appropriated by clean energy advocates.

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Demystifying Nuclear Power: Nuclear IS Atomic

Demystifying Nuclear Power: Nuclear IS Atomic

Fairewinds Energy Education Board Member Chiho Kaneko is this week’s special guest blogger. Chiho worked as a volunteer interpreter at the United Nations in April 2015 on behalf of the Nihon Hidankyo (The Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations). Stunned by the personal stories of A-bomb survivors' acting as delegates to the Non-Proliferation Treaty Conference, Chiho shares their accounts of "The Day" and what followed during the ensuing days, weeks, months, and years.

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