
Vermont Yankee’s Decommissioning As An Example of Nationwide Failures of Decommissioning Regulation, March 23, 2015, Fairewinds Energy Education

An Analysis of Fitness for Duty Events at Nuclear Power Plants in the United States 2008-2013September 10, 2013, Fairewinds Associates

Decommissioning the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant and Storing Its Radioactive Waste, January 12, 2011, Fairewinds Associates

Summation for 2009 to 2010 Legislative Year For The Vermont Fiscal Committe: Vermont Yankee Reliability Oversight, July 26, 2010, Fairewinds Associates

For The Vermont Fiscal Committe: Vermont Yankee Reliability Oversight, December 21, 2010, Fairewinds Associates

Supplemental Report of the Public Oversight Panel Regarding the Comprehensive Reliability Assessment of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant, June 20, 2010, Fairewinds Associates

Quarterly Report Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee (ENVY) Reliability Oversight For Joint Fiscal Committee, October 19, 2009, Fairewinds Associates

Report of the Public Oversight Panel Regarding the Comprehensive Reliability Assessment of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant, March 17, 2009, Arnold Gundersen, Peter Bradford, C. Frederick Sears, William K Sherman


Nuclear Power: Who is Looking out for the Public?

Decommissioning Stakeholders' Fund-amental Rights

Remove VY Carcass - Veto SAFSTOR

Fairewinds Presents Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Reports to Senate Committee at VT Statehouse

Vermont Yankee Shutdown

Carbon Free, Nuclear Free

The Big Picture Theatre

Fairewinds Crew on Nuclear Free Future with Margaret Harrington

Breaking News: Entergy pulling the plug on Vermont Yankee

Gundersen on KPBS Discusses Developing San Onofre Situation

CCTV Live at Five with Margaret Harrington and Arnie Gundersen

Maggie Gundersen speaks at UVM regarding similarities between VY and Fukushima Dacha

State of Vermont vs. Entergy on Vermont Yankee

In Historic Vote, Vermont Poised to Shut Down Lone Nuclear Reactor


Generational Transfer Of Risk By Caroline Phillips