Uranium Mining & Nuclear Fuel
From Sept. 21-26, Fairewinds Team member Tom Clements of Savannah River Site Watch (SRSW) is on a six-day tour in Germany, to oppose the import to Savannah River of highly radioactive fuel from Germany.
Fairewinds has fielded a number of questions regarding the removal of the fuel rods from the spent fuel pool in Unit 4 at Fukushima Daiichi. Today's video shows Arnie debunking TEPCO's animated film point by point, and highlights the issues TEPCO will have removing the fuel rods. TEPCO needs to be removed as the organization overseeing the cleanup of the site prior to the removal of the fuel rods.
Fairewinds gets a mention in this article on TEPCO's plans to remove fuel rods at a marathon pace from the notoriuous Reactor 4 in Fukushima:
A field demonstration simulating the impact of Fukushima's intense heat upon Zircaloy [zirconium alloy] fuel rods.