
Thank You For Your Donation

Your generosity makes our work possible. We appreciate your support.

Now for the ask

We need your help to continue to do this work. Fairewinds has no subscription fee and shares all of our information for free. Research and sampling take time and money. If each follower and member of the Fairewinds Energy Education Community donated $25 or more, we would have the funds needed to conduct more community-volunteer citizen-science. Please help.

We believe that people should know what is in the water they drink, the food they eat, and the air they breathe. Currently, seven communities in the U.S., where contamination exists, have asked for our help. We are already working with two communities internationally and one community in the U.S. Our data is not sold or covered up in a corporate settlement deal. Our information is open to you, the people who live in an atomic community, so you can understand the health risks you and your family face.

Please help us continue this work by donating today! Thank you.