Fairewinds Reports/Testimonials/Presentations
The Mystery of the Missing Bolts: New York City's Stricken Indian Point Nuclear Plant, May 24, 2016, Friends of the Earth and Fairewinds Associates
The Nationwide Failures of Decommissioning Regulation: Decommissioning Trust Funds or Slush Funds?, Comments Submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, March 17, 2016, Fairewinds Energy Education
Vermont Yankee’s Decommissioning As An Example of Nationwide Failures of Decommissioning Regulation, March 23, 2015, Fairewinds Energy Education
Expert Witness Declaration in Matter of Palisades License Amendment Request to The NRC, December 1, 2014, Arnold Gundersen
Affidavit Supporting Friends of The Earth Petition to Intervene In the Matter of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Before the NRC, October 10, 2014, Arnold Gundersen
Radiation Knows No Borders: Presentation at The WAVE Conference, August 1, 2014, Arnold Gundersen
An Analysis of Fitness for Duty Events at Nuclear Power Plants in the United States 2008-2013, September 10, 2013, Fairewinds Associates
If It Happened Here At San Onofre, Would Regulators Respond Differently?, June 4, 2013, Fairewinds Associates
Fairewinds Davis-Besse Petition to Intervene, May 20, 2013, Arnie Gundersen
Fairewinds Fermi 3 Non-Proprietary Findings, April 30, 2013, Arnie Gundersen
Analysis of the Relicensing Application for Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, April, 29, 2013. Fairewinds Associates
What Did They Know And When? Fukushima Daiichi Before And After The Meltdowns: Arnie Gundersen’s Presentation to The New York Academy of Medicine, March 11, 2013, Fairewinds Energy Education
Nuclear Law in the United States: Arnie Gundersen's Presentation to The Japanese Bar Association, February 16, 2013, Fairewinds Associates
2.206 PRESENTATION: San Onofre Units 2 and 3 Replacement Steam Generators, January 13, 2013
San Onofre Steam Generators: Significantly Worse Than All Others Nationwide, June 11, 2012, Fairewinds Associates
San Onofre's Steam Generator Failures Could Have Been Prevented, May 15, 2012, Fairewinds Associates
San Onofre Cascading Steam Generator Failures Created by Edison, April 10, 2012, Fairewinds Associates
Steam Generator Failures at San Onofre: The Need For a Thorough Root Cause, Analysis Require No Early Restart, March 27, 2012, Fairewinds Associates
Lessons from Fukushima, February 27, 2012, Fairewinds Associates
Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Arnold Gundersen on Radiological Materials at Indian Point, October 4, 2011, Arnold Gundersen
Profiled Direct Testimony of Arnold Gundersen on Radiological Materials at Indian Point, July 22, 2011, Arnold Gundersen
Post Accident AP1000 Containment Leakage: Presentation to Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, June 25, 2011, Fairewinds Associates
Decommissioning the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant and Storing Its Radioactive Waste, January 12, 2011, Fairewinds Associates
For The Vermont Fiscal Committee: Vermont Yankee Reliability Oversight, December 21, 2010, Fairewinds Associates
Nuclear Containment Failures: Ramifications for the AP1000 Containment Design, December 21, 2010, Fairewinds Associates
Summation for 2009 to 2010 Legislative Year For The Vermont Fiscal Committee: Vermont Yankee Reliability Oversight, July 26, 2010, Fairewinds Associates
Direct Testimony on Behalf of Southern Alliance for Clean Energy on the Proposed Levy County and Turkey Point AP1000 Construction Projects, July 7, 2010, Arnold Gundersen
Supplemental Report of the Public Oversight Panel Regarding the Comprehensive Reliability Assessment of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant, June 20, 2010, Fairewinds Associates
Second Quarterly Status Report Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee (ENVY) Reliability Oversight For Joint Fiscal Committee, February 22, 2010, Fairewinds Associates
Expert Witness Report of Arnold Gundersen Regarding Consumptive Use of Water in the Matter of Bell Bend Nuclear Plant, January 5, 2010, Arnold Gundersen
Quarterly Report Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee (ENVY) Reliability Oversight For Joint Fiscal Committee, October 19, 2009, Fairewinds Associates
Declaration of Arnold Gundersen Supporting Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League's Contentions, May 6 2009, Arnold Gundersen
Report of the Public Oversight Panel Regarding the Comprehensive Reliability Assessment of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant, March 17, 2009, Arnold Gundersen, Peter Bradford, C. Frederick Sears, William K Sherman
Oversight Panel Member Arnold Gundersen's Testimony to the Vermont State Legislature, March 19, 2009, Fairewinds Associates
Declaration Arnold Gundersen Supporting Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone, March 15 2008, Arnold Gundersen
Testimony of Arnold Gundersen on Pilgrim Watch’s Contention 1 Regarding the Adequacy of the Aging Management Program for Buried Pipes and Tanks, March 6, 2008, Arnold Gundersen
Entergy Nuclear Vermot Yankee Comprehensive Verticl Audit ENVY CVA: Recommended Methodology To Thoroughly Asses Reliability and Safety Issues At Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, January 30, 2008, Fairewinds Associates
Declaration of Arnie Gundersen Supporting Pilgrim Watch's Petition for Contention, December 19, 2007, Arnold Gundersen
Decommissioning Vermont Yankee:
Stage 2 Analysis of the Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Fund The Decommissioning Fund Gap, November 30, 2007, Fairewinds Associates
Expert Witness Report: Three Mile Island Litagation For Hepford, Swartz, and Morgan- Representing Plaintiffs, January-March 1996, Arnold Gundersen
Three Mile Island Containment Leakage Court Filing, January-March, 1996, Arnold Gundersen