Fukushima Kids with Yumi Kikuchi
/On today's podcast, Maggie and Nat interview our very inspiring friend Yumi Kikuchi. Fairewinds has been working with Yumi for more than a year now.
Read MoreMoving Energy Education Forward
On today's podcast, Maggie and Nat interview our very inspiring friend Yumi Kikuchi. Fairewinds has been working with Yumi for more than a year now.
Read MoreAfter two weeks of traveling, Arnie is back in town to recount his adventures on this week's podcast.
Read MoreOn today's podcast, host Nathaniel White-Joyal and Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen talk with renowned diplomat Akio Matsumura and Fairewinds board member Chiho Kaneko about nuclear power and the effects of the Fukushima disaster on the Japanese people today.
Read MoreWatch Arnie Gundersen's presentation entitled "Fukushima Daiichi Accident: Lessons for California" on June 4, 2013. The other keynote speakers of the event are; Naoto Kan, former Prime Minister of Japan, Dr. Gregory Jaczko, former Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and Peter Bradford, former commissioner of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission during the Three Mile Island nuclear accident in 1979
Read MoreThe Hanford nuclear site, located on the Columbia River in Washington state, was built as part of the Manhattan Project to process plutonium for nuclear weapons
Read MoreNRC released MHI documents show that Edison concealed San Onofre’s flawed steam generator design in order to avoid a public process.
Read MoreFairewinds Speech at the New York Academy of Medicine - Fukushima Two Years On - Gundersen Presents New Information concerning the Fukushima Accident.
Read MoreFairewinds analyzes cancer rates for young children near Fukushima using the National Academy of Science's BEIR (Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation) VII Report. Based on BEIR VII, Fairewinds determines that at least one in every 100 young girls will develop cancer for every year they are exposed to 20 millisieverts [millisievert (1 mSv = 0.001 Sv)] of radiation. The 20-millisievert/ year figure is what the Japanese government is currently calculating as the legal limit of radiological exposure to allow habitation of contaminated areas near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. In this video, Fairewinds introduces additional analysis by Ian Goddard showing that the BEIR VII report underestimates the true cancer rates to young children living near Fukushima Daiichi. Looking at the scientific data presented by Mr. Goddard, Fairewinds has determined that at least one out of every 20 young girls (5%) living in an area where the radiological exposure is 20 millisieverts for five years will develop cancer in their lifetime.
Read MoreFairewinds Energy Education is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to furthering public understanding of nuclear power and nuclear safety related issues.