Whose Fault?

Whose Fault?

When we think of earthquake damage we think of buildings shaking and crumbling, pipes bursting and breaking. Diablo Canyon would suffer not only these traditional earthquake disasters, but also severe, dangerous mechanical threats. Arnie explains something engineers call "relay chatter". In three short video segments, he shows us what relays are and how a seismic event would wreak havoc at Diablo Canyon causing "relay chatter".

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Fitness for Duty: Operating Under the Influence

Fitness for Duty: Operating Under the Influence

What oversight exists at the nuclear plant nearest you? On today's podcast Arnie, Lucas and Nat discuss the NRC's Fitness for Duty program for nuclear reactor operators, in which workers are periodically tested for mental health issues and on-the-job usage of drugs and alcohol. Fairewinds recently authored a report on the many industry-wide instances of nuclear plant operators coming to work under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Listen to our podcast and read our report to find out what areas of the country are experiencing the most violations, what is the nuclear plant operator’s drug of choice, and whether rates of drug and alcohol abuse have gone up or down in the past five years (hint: they’ve gone up).

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Fitness for Duty Event Reports (2008 – 2013)

Fitness for Duty Event Reports (2008 – 2013)


Beginning in 1989, United States Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) licensees have been required to implement a Fitness For Duty program that satisfies safety requirements created in the Federal Code of Regulations 10 CFR Part 26.

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Fukushima Daiichi Accident: Lessons for California

Fukushima Daiichi Accident: Lessons for California

Watch Arnie Gundersen's presentation entitled "Fukushima Daiichi Accident: Lessons for California" on June 4, 2013. The other keynote speakers of the event are; Naoto Kan, former Prime Minister of Japan, Dr. Gregory Jaczko, former Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and Peter Bradford, former commissioner of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission during the Three Mile Island nuclear accident in 1979

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Intervenors' Rebuttal Statement of Position on Contention 15

Intervenors' Rebuttal Statement of Position on Contention 15

On behalf of Beyond Nuclear and other intervenors, Arnie Gundersen provides expert testimony that the Quality Assurance activities of Detroit Edison Co. do not satisfy the requirement of the Atomic Energy Act and its regulations.

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Fairewinds Davis-Besse Petition to Intervene

Fairewinds Davis-Besse Petition to Intervene

Expert witness report examining the licensing basis for First Energy's proposed Replacement Once Through Steam Generator modification to its Davis-Besse nuclear reactor.  Fairewinds concludes that First Energy is attempting to avoid the more rigorous, full license amendment process, as Edison did at San Onofre with disastrous results.

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Fermi Intervenors Initial Position Statement

Fermi Intervenors Initial Position Statement

Detroit Edison implemented an approach to quality assurance which deviated from the template, and ignored its obligation to notify the NRC that portions of the Quality Assurance portion of the Fermi 3 COLA had to be modified.

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Fairewinds FERMI 3 Non-Proprietary Findings

Fairewinds FERMI 3 Non-Proprietary Findings

This Fairewinds Associates Report  on the root cause of  Quality Assurance problems identified on the Fermi 3 COL application includes an explanation of why there are two Reports: one based on publicly available information and the other on “propietary” material. 

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