Fairewinds Crew on Nuclear Free Future with Margaret Harrington

Fairewinds Crew on Nuclear Free Future with Margaret Harrington

Nuclear Free Future host Margaret Harrington speaks with Fairewinds Founding Director Maggie Gundersen, Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen, Media Producer Nathaniel White-Joyal, and Administrator Samantha Donalds about the decommissioning of Vermont Yankee.

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Olympic Insanity + If Gundersen were in Charge at Fukushima

Olympic Insanity + If Gundersen were in Charge at Fukushima

Libbe HaLevy from Nuclear Hotseat radio interviewed Arnie Gundersen about the current state of problems at Fukushima Daiichi and asks what he would do if he were in charge of the disaster site.

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Just say no to nuclear power – from Fukushima to Vermont

Just say no to nuclear power – from Fukushima to Vermont

By Amy Goodman, The Guardian

Welcome to the nuclear renaissance.

Entergy Corp, one of the largest nuclear-power producers in the US, issued a surprise press release Tuesday, saying it plans "to close and decommission its Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Vernon, Vermont. The station is expected to cease power production after its current fuel cycle and move to safe shutdown in the fourth quarter of 2014."

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Vermont Yankee: Where activists, lawyers and politicians failed, the market succeeded

Vermont Yankee: Where activists, lawyers and politicians failed, the market succeeded

By Anne Galloway, Vermont Digger The Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant has been the subject of one of the longest and most intensive anti-nuke campaigns in the region. Even before the plant was constructed on the banks of the Connecticut River in 1972, anti-nuclear activists demonstrated against Vermont Yankee with a fervor that bordered on religious conviction.

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In Victory for Activists, Entergy to Close Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant; Will More Follow?

In Victory for Activists, Entergy to Close Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant; Will More Follow?

One of the country’s oldest and most controversial nuclear plants has announced it will close late next year. Citing financial reasons, the nuclear plant operator Entergy said Tuesday it will decommission the Vermont Yankee nuclear power station in Vernon, Vermont. The site has been the target of protests for decades and has had a series of radioactive tritium leaks. In 2010, the Vermont State Senate voted against a measure that would have authorized a state board to grant Vermont Yankee a permit to operate for an additional 20 years.

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White House & NRC Recommend 50 Mile Fukushima Evacuation, Yet Insist US Safe With Only 10

White House & NRC Recommend 50 Mile Fukushima Evacuation, Yet Insist US Safe With Only 10

Fairewinds' Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen emphasizes the need to enlarge evacuation zones around US nuclear plants to 50 miles. Reducing US evacuation zones to only 10 miles during a nuclear power accident compromises public safety.

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