Nuclear Engineer: Japan's PM "Lying to the Japanese People" About Safety of Fukushima

Nuclear Engineer: Japan's PM "Lying to the Japanese People" About Safety of Fukushima

Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen is interviewed by The Real News Network.  Arnie says that Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe claims Fukushima is safe but the nuclear disaster is underfunded and lacks transparency, causing the public to remain in the dark. 

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Report details drug and alcohol violations at U.S. nuclear plants

Report details drug and alcohol violations at U.S. nuclear plants

By Ivan Penn, Tampa Bay Times 

Drug and alcohol violations at U.S. nuclear plants increased from about one a month to almost one every week over the past five years, with a majority of cases in southeastern states, a new study has found.

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Olympic Insanity + If Gundersen were in Charge at Fukushima

Olympic Insanity + If Gundersen were in Charge at Fukushima

Libbe HaLevy from Nuclear Hotseat radio interviewed Arnie Gundersen about the current state of problems at Fukushima Daiichi and asks what he would do if he were in charge of the disaster site.

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How concerned should we be about Fukushima?

How concerned should we be about Fukushima?

On today's Your Call, we’ll talk about the recent leaks from the nuclear power plant at Fukushima, Japan.  It’s been over two years since the plant suffered its original damage from the earthquake and tsunami.  Now, more than 300 tons of radioactive water has leaked from the plant into the ground and ocean.  So what do we need to know?  Could the entire Pacific Ocean be at risk?  And what can we be doing to prevent this? Join the conversation on the next Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.

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Is the United States remaining vigilant to Fukushima risks?

Is the United States remaining vigilant to Fukushima risks?

By Lucas W. Hixson, As our readers may be aware, on multiple occasions over the last two years Russia has made data public on contaminated imports from Japan which have been sent back due to radiation concerns.  In early August, Rospotrebnadzor, Russia’s federal customer rights protection agency told Russian media outlets that some 112 contaminated batch lots of goods from Japan had been barred from entering the country after failing radiation tests.

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Just say no to nuclear power – from Fukushima to Vermont

Just say no to nuclear power – from Fukushima to Vermont

By Amy Goodman, The Guardian

Welcome to the nuclear renaissance.

Entergy Corp, one of the largest nuclear-power producers in the US, issued a surprise press release Tuesday, saying it plans "to close and decommission its Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Vernon, Vermont. The station is expected to cease power production after its current fuel cycle and move to safe shutdown in the fourth quarter of 2014."

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Vermont Yankee: Where activists, lawyers and politicians failed, the market succeeded

Vermont Yankee: Where activists, lawyers and politicians failed, the market succeeded

By Anne Galloway, Vermont Digger The Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant has been the subject of one of the longest and most intensive anti-nuke campaigns in the region. Even before the plant was constructed on the banks of the Connecticut River in 1972, anti-nuclear activists demonstrated against Vermont Yankee with a fervor that bordered on religious conviction.

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