In San Diego, Fukushima legacy comes calling

In San Diego, Fukushima legacy comes calling

As Southern California weighs the fate of the crippled San Onofre nuclear plant, the former prime minister who led Japan through the 2011 tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster delivered a warning Tuesday in San Diego that the true dangers and costs of nuclear power have not been addressed. Since stepping down as prime minister in August 2011, Naoto Kan has evolved into an advocate for renewable energy.

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Don't renew Pickering nuclear licence: expert

Don't renew Pickering nuclear licence: expert

PICKERING -- The Pickering nuclear station is old and shouldn't be allowed to continue operating. That's the opinion of Arnold Gundersen, a U.S.-based nuclear expert who spoke at a Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission hearing being held to consider renewing the plant's five-year operating licence. Mr. Gundersen was speaking on behalf of Durham Nuclear Awareness at the hearings, being held at the Pickering Recreation Complex.

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Nuclear relicensing requires more than quick OK from Pickering

Nuclear relicensing requires more than quick OK from Pickering

Safety at Ontario Power Generation's Pickering nuclear facility is priority one. And even though it's not their facility, keeping the public in the loop in a timely fashion and giving residents ample opportunity to provide input should be near the top of council's list. And while that may not have occurred recently, it would be jumping the gun to assign dark motives.

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Aging Pickering nuclear plant seeks five more years

Aging Pickering nuclear plant seeks five more years

Ontario Power Generation is confident it can safely operate its 40-year-old Pickering nuclear generating station 18 per cent longer than originally planned, OPG officials told Canada’s nuclear regulator Wednesday. But members of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission still peppered emergency planners with questions about what happens if a nuclear accident does occur at the station, located in Canada’s largest urban area.

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Nuclear Free Future: The Ongoing Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Eyewitness Report

Nuclear Free Future: The Ongoing Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Eyewitness Report

Host Margaret Harrington speaks with Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education, and Chiho Kaneka, Artist and Journalist, who has been to Fukishima several times after the disaster, and Chikako Nishiyama who lives near Fukushima-Daiichi, giving an eyewitness report on the current status.

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