Engineer Says State Could Face Expensive Clean-up If Vermont Yankee Closes

Engineer Says State Could Face Expensive Clean-up If Vermont Yankee Closes

A nuclear engineer is warning the Legislature that Vermont Yankee could close before its federal license expires and leave the state with a huge clean-up bill. But that testimony was disputed by another nuclear expert who said the federal government would step in to help the state.

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Report Said to Contradict Edison’s San Onofre Claims

Report Said to Contradict Edison’s San Onofre Claims

Southern California Edison has spent the last year telling nuclear regulators and the public that major problems with its generators at San Onofre that leaked radiation last year were a complete surprise. But later today, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is expected to release a report that may radically change that picture.

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California Nuclear Power Plant Preparing To Restart Reactor After Shutting Down Because Of Leak

California Nuclear Power Plant Preparing To Restart Reactor After Shutting Down Because Of Leak

Fairewinds' Arnie Gundersen was interviewed on Russia Today to discuss Southern California Edison's "San Onofre" Power Plant. Arnie says, "The worst plant in the U.S. for evacuation plans, is San Onofre. When they built it in the fifties, no one was around it, but Southern California has grown dramatically. So it would be almost impossible to evacuate the area."  Later on he discusses why, and what this could mean.

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At hearing, environmental group says government rushed approval of faulty steam generators at San Onofre

At hearing, environmental group says government rushed approval of faulty steam generators at San Onofre

The group Friends of Earth presented about 40 different slides – mostly technical data – at a Nuclear Regulatory Commission hearing Wednesday outside Washington, D.C. But the crux of their case can be summed up by just one slide: a drawing of a cart before the horse.

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Activists: Nuke design needed govt. review

Activists: Nuke design needed govt. review

A nuclear watchdog group presented arguments Wednesday that operators of the San Onofre power plant improperly avoided a full government review of redesigned generators installed in recent years. Problems with those generators have idled the facility for nearly a year. The coastal plant, located in northern San Diego County, suffered a radiation leak on Jan. 31 that was traced to a steam-generator tube leak. Further inspections turned up rapid degradation of tubing within generators that were replaced in 2010 and 2011.

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Gundersen on Democracy Now Discussing Hurricane Sandy

Gundersen on Democracy Now Discussing Hurricane Sandy

Gundersen speaks with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now the morning after Hurricane Sandy makes landfall. They discuss the Oyster Creek nuclear plant, which was close to the eye of Hurricane Sandy. The tidal surge at Oyster Creek was within six inches of flooding the service water pumps that cool the nuclear reactor. Several other plants shut down and reverted to their diesel engines for reactor cooling. They also discuss how spent fuel pools are not cooled by diesels - so in the event of a "loss of offsite power," if a plant is shutdown for refueling, the spent fuel pool cannot be cooled.

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