State of Vermont vs. Entergy on Vermont Yankee

State of Vermont vs. Entergy on Vermont Yankee

CNN’s Amber Lyon cuts to the heart of states’ rights issues in her expose on Entergy’s use of legal force to prevent Vermont’s citizens from shutting down the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant. The Vermont Yankee (VY) nuclear plant has challenged Vermonters with its shoddy maintenance practices and lack of honesty to state legislators and regulators. During the past several years, VY has faced collapsed cooling towers, a transformer fire, and ongoing leaks of radioactivity from its aging underground pipes.

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Shining the Light on the Triple Meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi

Shining the Light on the Triple Meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi

CCTV host Margaret Harrington interviews Maggie and Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education Corp regarding the triple meltdown in March 2011 at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. There were ample warnings that both TEPCO and Japan's regulators ignored steps that would have prevented this tragedy. Throughout the world, nuclear oversight has been compromised by the revolving door and cozy relationship between the nuclear industry and the so-called nuclear regulators who promote nuclear power rather than regulate.

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Yankee Opponents Pin Hopes on PSB

Yankee Opponents Pin Hopes on PSB

Vermont lawmakers supporting the shutdown of the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant appear to be pinning their hopes on the state Public Service Board. But lawmakers say they're uncertain of their own strategy going forward now that U.S. District Judge J. Garvan Murtha has ruled against the state's efforts to close the plant down.

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Arnold Gundersen with a Fresh Report on Fukushima

Arnold Gundersen with a Fresh Report on Fukushima

This week, Dr. Caldicott and Arnold Gundersen have another look at how the Fukushima disaster is affecting Japan, and how the U.S. nuclear industry continues its plans to build new plants in America. As background for today’s program, read the recent articles "Mothers Rise Against Nuclear Power in Japan", "Nuclear Russian Roulette in California: Dr. Helen Caldicott and Dan Hirsch Warn How Accident at San Onofre Would Trap Eight Million People", and "Fukushima Shutdown Still At Least 40 Years Away."

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Arnold Gundersen with another Fukushima report as radiation levels rise in Japan

Arnold Gundersen with another Fukushima report as radiation levels rise in Japan

This week, Dr. Caldicott once again chats with Arnold Gundersen about the ongoing situation at the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. As background for today’s program, read the recent news articles "Nuclear Expert Cites New Concerns about Westinghouse Reactor Design Based on Fukushima Disaster" and "Women Fight to Save Fukushima’s Children". Read the Fairewinds report released November 2011, "Fukushima and the Westinghouse-Toshiba AP1000." Read the article, "Nuclear Revival is Ruining Climate Protection Efforts and Harming Customers, says Watchdog Group" and the accompanying report by NC Warn, "New Nuclear Power is Ruining Climate Protection Efforts and Harming Customers." Also read the November 12 New York Times article "Devastation at Japan Site, Seen Up Close."

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