The Tainted Desert: Environmental and Social Ruin in the American West

Author: Valerie Kuletz (1998)

“This study serves as the first comprehensive account of the impact of nuclearism on Native Americans in the U.S. Southwest-- and account that also points to a much larger problem of nuclear colonialism worldwide, in which nuclear activities continue on lands historically inhabited by indigenous people.”

Fission Stories: Nuclear Power’s Secrets

Author: David Lochbaum (2000)

“The objective of this book is not to blow the lid off the nuclear industry, but to provide a peek behind its curtain. The stories are presented as amusing anecdotes and informative narratives instead of as critical assessments.”

The print copy is hard to find, but follow the link to the original source, David Lochbaum’s blog “Fission Stories”

Irrevy: an Irreverent, Illustrated View of Nuclear Power

A Collection of Talks, from Blunderland to Seabrook IV

Author: John W. Gofman (1979)

Thought-provoking illustrated essays on nuclear power, the health effects of radiation, energy efficiency, solar energy, public health concepts, technology, science and medicine, human rights, liberty, law, nuclear weapons, and “suggestions for possibly useful actions.”

Poisoned Power: The Case Against Nuclear Power Plants Before and After Three Mile Island

Author(s): John W. Gofman & Arthur R. Tamplin (1979)

Renowned for their research on the effects of radiation on the environment and human health, scientists Gofman and Tamplin present their case against nuclear power, and “expose the moral corruption of scientists, lawyers, physicians, industrialists, and government leaders in attempting to deceive the public into believing that there exists such a thing as a ‘safe,’ ‘permissible,’ or ‘allowable’ dose of radiation.”

Sleepwalking to Armageddon: The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation

Author: Helen Caldicott (2017)

Sleepwalking to Armageddon is a compilation of essays on the mechanics, the likelihood and the potential consequences of nuclear war, should bellicosity become reality. Contributors include esteemed thinkers and scientists representing a wide range of relevant experience.

Edited by Nobel Prize Nominee and pediatrician Dr. Helen Caldicott, this slim volume is a particularly timely book during this second year of an American administration that has openly flirted with nuclear war with North Korea. The current American administration has brought us closer to that un-winnable scenario than we have ever been since those terrifying days in 1962.

We reviewed Sleepwalking to Armageddon here.

The Risks of Nuclear Power Reactors: A Review of the NRC Reactor Safety Study WASH-1400 (NUREG-75/014)

Author(s): Union of Concerned Scientists (1977)

The NRC’s Reactor Safety Study (RSS) was published in 1975, and was used by the Federal government as definitive proof that nuclear reactors were safe to operate. In 1977 the Union of Concerned Scientists published this independent evaluation of the NRC’s study, which challenged the NRC’s position.

Just two years later in 1979 the Three Mile Island nuclear plant melted down and changed history…

Power Struggle: The Hundred Year War Over Electricity

Author(s): Richard Rudolph & Scott Ridley (1986)

The hundred year history of the electric power business in the United States. The conflicts between public and private interests are highlighted, as well as the politics behind energy policy.

Chain Reaction: Expert Debate & Public Participation in American Commercial Nuclear Power, 1945-1975

Author: Brian Balogh (1991)

An examination of the Atomic Energy Commission, commercial nuclear power, and the role of experts in public policy debate.

“An excellent and pioneering study of a pervasive problem in the historical relationship between science and public policy” (Samuel Hays, University of Pittsburgh).

The Last Energy War: The Battle Over Utility Deregulation

Author: Harvey Wasserman (1999)

“Waging constant war against public ownership, the industry could have gone solar in the 1950s, but opted for the trillion-dollar dead end of atomic energy. Now, through deregulation, it wants YOU to pay.”

Power Play: The Fight to Control the World’s Electricity

Author: Sharon Beder (2003)

“A compelling and fast-paced account of the decades-long struggle to wrest control of electricity from public hands... an essential guide to the contemporary industrial, environmental, and political landscape.”

Carbon-Free and Nuclear Free: A Roadmap for US Energy Policy

Author: Arjun Makhijani (2007)

Makhijani, the President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research with a PhD in nuclear fusion, tells us how we can lessen our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change without resorting to nuclear power,  and without damaging our economy.

Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era

Author: Amory Lovins (2011)

"Reinventing Fire shows us that we neither need to freeze in the dark, nor go back to the Stone Age, to ensure a healthy, habitable planet for ourselves and our descendants." --Andy Kerr, Home Power

World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2014

Author(s): Mycle Schneider, et al. (2014)

The world’s nuclear statistics are distorted by an anomaly whose cause is not technical but political. Three years after the Fukushima events started unfolding on 11 March 2011, government, industry and international institutional organizations continue to misrepresent the effects of the disaster on the Japanese nuclear program. To find a more appropriate way to deal with this situation, the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2014 proposes a new category called Long-Term Outage (LTO).

Quantum Physics for Poets

Author(s): Leon Lederman & Christopher Hill (2011)

A highly-readable historical and scientific account of quantum theory, written by a Nobel Laureate and a theoretical physicist. “The advancing technology and scientific skills at the turn of the century enabled those scientist explorers to, in a sense, visit for the first time the domain of a remarkable and new alien civilization, the world of the atom.... It was as if the radical artists, composers, and writers of the age were scripting the laws of nature.”

The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality

Author: Dalai Lama (2006)

“I believe that spirituality and science are different but complementary investigative approaches with the same greater goal, of seeking the truth... Through a dialogue between the two disciplines, I hope both science and spirituality may develop to be of better service to the needs and well-being of humanity.”

Before the Big Bang: The Origins of the Universe and the Nature of Matter

Author: Ernest J. Sternglass (1997)

“Before the Big Bang explains some of the most puzzling aspects of recent cosmological discoveries. It includes a discussion of the origins of the universe, and the author’s firsthand exchanges with Einstein, Feynman, Niels Bohr and other scientific greats.”

Physics for Poets

Author: Robert H. March (2002, 5th ed.)

“What does a physicist have to say to a poet? First and foremost, that scientists (or at least the best of them) practice their craft because they think it is fun.  And what makes it fun can be summarized in one word: wonder.”

Written for the curious non-scientist.