Newly Released TEPCO Data Proves Fairewinds Assertions of Significant Fuel Pool Failures at Fukushima Daiichi

About This Video

New TEPCO data measured on August 19 & 20 shows severe damage to the spent fuel in Fukushima Daiichi Units 1, 2, and 3. The adjacent TEPCO table posted on the front page shows incredibly high levels of Cesium 137 and Cesium 134 in all three spent fuel pools of Units 1, 2, & 3. This TEPCO data clearly contradicts and refutes the July assertion by the NRC the Fukushima Daiichi spent fuel pools were not damaged in this tragic accident. Crytome (cry to me) has a new high resolution photo, also uploaded, that shows the extensive damage of the Unit 3 spent fuel pool and the reactor building. Check it out.

Video Transcript

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Arnie Gundersen: Hi, I'm Arnie Gundersen from Fairewinds.

Today, I wanted to spend a brief amount of time updating you about the condition of the fuel pools at Fukushima. You recall that in our last video, I discussed the fact that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was told by the NRC staff that there was no damage to the spent fuel pools at Fukushima. Well, I disagreed then, and I disagree now. Just 2 days ago, TEPCO released a report that has a water analysis of the condition of the spent fuel pools at Fukushima. This data was taken in August, August 19th and 20th, so it is very current and I wanted to share it with you today. The table is a water analysis and it says “analysis of spent fuel pool water.” Let's go to Unit 2 and then cross over to Cesium 137. If you look at that column, it says 1.1 E8. Now what does that mean? That is 1.1 with 8 zeros behind it, or 110 million disintegrations per second in every liter of water. If you look at the next column over, that is Cesium 134. It is also 1.1 E8. So the combination of both Cesiums in the fuel pool on Unit 2, is 220 million disintegrations per second in a liter of water.

So think of a liter Coke bottle and inside it the water is disintegrating at 220 million disintegrations every second, and that is just for Unit 2. The table also shows similar very high concentrations of Cesium in Unit 1 and in Unit 3. It clearly shows that there is damage to the fuel in those 3 units. The interesting thing about the table is that it shows much lower concentrations of Cesium in Unit 4. Now, it still could be that there is damage, but less damage in Unit 4. Or it could mean that contamination from the other 3 units fell into the water in Unit 4 and contaminated that water. So Unit 4 is a bit of a mystery, but Units 1, 2, & 3 clearly have significant spent fuel damage.

Next thing I would like to talk to you about briefly is that when we posted our video last week, several people wrote in saying, “Where did you get the information about spent fuel being thrown a mile away?” The information comes from the New York Times in an April 5th story. The April 5th story is based on a Nuclear Regulatory Commission report that was confidential, but old time visitors to the Fairewinds site will remember that we posted it in early April as well. The report clearly indicates that material was thrown over a mile away. Here is what the Times had to say. The NRC "document also suggests that fragments or particles of nuclear fuel from the spent fuel pools were blown up to a mile away from the units .... and that pieces of highly radioactive material fell between the units and had to be bulldozed over, presumably to protect the workers on site.”

So in April, actually late March, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission report says the fuel pools were so damaged that they threw material a mile away. Yet in July, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was told by the staff that that never happened and in fact, the fuel pools are in great condition. Again I disagree. I think the fuel pools are not in great condition.

Now to add to that, there is a new picture up on the web by Crytome, and it was just taken 2 days ago. It shows Unit 3. It is incredibly high resolution. It shows damage, extensive damage, fuel pool is on the right. Now I invite our readers to go over it in detail and take a look and see what you can see. To me, it shows serious fuel pool damage and I cannot understand how the NRC would think otherwise.

Finally, I need to correct something I said in the last video. In the last video, I talked about how salt water was introduced at Fukushima, came in contact with neutrons, and created sulfur. That part is right. In the last video though, I said that the sodium in the salt water is what came in contact with the neutrons and created sulfur. What really happened was it is the chlorine. Salt water is sodium chloride and I misspoke and I said the sodium, not the chlorine came in contact with the neutrons. I would like to thank the watchers of this column who identified that. I do not use a teleprompter and sometimes my mouth goes a bit faster than my brain.

Well, that is about it for today. We will keep in touch after the hurricane.


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8月19日と20日の2日にかけて取られた東電のデータによると、福島第一原発1号機、2号機3号機の使用済み核燃料プールに激しい損傷があることが分かった。 データに付随する表によると、1,2,3号機の使用済み核燃料プールにかなり高いレベルのセシウム137と134が検出された。 このデータは7月に使用済み核燃料プールへの損傷を否定したNRCの公表と明らかに矛盾する。 Crytomeが新たな高画質の写真を公開しました。その写真から3号機の使用済み核燃料プールと建屋の損傷がさらによく見えます。検証してみましょう。





この東電のデータは原子力規制委員会(NRC)が7月に福島第一原発の使用済み燃料プールは、この悲惨な事故下においても損傷していないとの主張を明らかに否定、矛盾するものとなっています。Crytome (Cry to me)は新たな高画質写真をアップロードしており、その中には3号機の使用済み燃料プールと原子炉の大規模な損傷を写したものが含まれています。是非ご覧になってみてください。








最後になりますが、前回のビデオで発言した事について修正させてください。私は塩水がどのようにして福島原発に使われたのかについて、中性子と触れて硫黄を生成したと話ました。その部分はあってます。しかし前回のビデオでは塩水中のナトリウムが中性子と触れ硫黄を生成したと述べました。実際には塩素です。塩水は塩化ナトリウムですが、これを誤ってナトリウムと言い間違いました。塩素が中性子と反応したのです。このご指摘をしてくださった視聴者の方々に感謝をいたします。 私はテレビ用プロンプター装置を使わないので、私の口は時々私の脳より少し速く動いてしまうのです。

