Hofstra Nuclear Debate

Should Nuclear Energy be Expanded to Help Create a More Sustainable Future?

This was the question that Hofstra University posed to debaters in its second annual Pride and Purpose Debate last Thursday, November 20, 2014. The debate panelists brought together to discuss the environmental, fiscal, and policy issues pertaining to the expansion of nuclear energy were: Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education, Heidi Hutner director of sustainability studies and associate professor of sustainability and English at Stony Brook University, J Bret Bennington professor of geology at Hofstra University, and Paul Wilson spokesperson for the American Nuclear Society and professor of nuclear engineering at University of Wisconsin- Madison.

The Fairewinds Crew feels quite proud of our Arnie for delivering the truth about nuclear energy with great wisdom, wit, and purpose. Arnie draws beautiful parallels between dated tech devices and the nuclear industry. We've grown out of technologies that were once believed invaluable, it's time for us to grow again and leave nuclear power behind. With statements that are well informed and based on fact, Arnie's voice as a whistleblower holds power without a reliance on defensive or derisive remarks.